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The following is an interview with TV and comic book writer Ryan Parrott on the upcoming release of the comic book series, Vicarious, through BOOM! Studios. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Parrott about his shared creative process in working with artist Eleonora Carlini to bring the futuristic world and characters to life on the page, what he hopes that readers may take away from the story, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the upcoming release of Vicarious! For those who may be unfamiliar, what can you tell us about the premise of this futuristic story?

Ryan Parrott: Absolutely! Actually, someone recently called it a NEON NOIR and I loved the sound of it, so that’s what I’ve been telling people it is. But the premise is simple… it’s a sci-fi story that poses: What if we could stream any experience? Young attractive (and usually poor) people called Proxies will go skydiving or attend a rave or do pretty much anything and the rich can pay to experience every sight, sound, and sensation right from the safety of their own home. In a future where risk is a commodity, what kind of a community would that create? And is it REALLY that far from where we are today?

BD: You are no stranger to writing for science fiction, having worked across mediums on series like Star Trek and Revolution, yet this story truly pushes the genre forward, as you deftly tackle themes like identity and duality in the face of futuristic technology. How would you describe your creative process in bringing this contemplative story and its characters to life alongside artist Eleonora Carlini?

RP: I’ve always been attracted to science fiction stories that are about societal changes. Movies like Strange Days and Gattaca or a television series like Severance, they imagine how a single technological advancement can massively change humanity. And we’ve seen examples of that in our real lives with cellphones, the internet, and social media. So, when Eleonora and I started to craft the series, we talked a lot about really ramping up the vibrant energy of the world. The flash and the facades. The future might be hollow and soulless on the inside, but from the outside, it all needs to look beautiful and decadent. Once we looked in on that style, it really helped focus and refine the story and world building.

BD: At Fanbase Press, our #StoriesMatter initiative endeavors to highlight the impact that stories can have on audiences of various mediums. How do you feel that Justin’s story may impact readers, and are there any conversations that you hope that it might inspire?

RP: The beauty of science fiction is, when it’s done right, you can talk about complicated subjects in an indirect and nuanced way, but I definitely think the themes of conspicuous consumption, exploitation, and losing oneself in a false persona should be pretty evident to readers. At the same time, this is a cautionary tale, so it’s possible that some of the characters might send mixed messages. But I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

BD: What makes BOOM! Studios the perfect home for this series?

RP: If you’ve ever read a BOOM! original, you know that they not only take bold swings, but they also ground every story in character. I’ve been playing around with the world of “Vicarious” for a long time, but when BOOM! can on board, that they helped really focus the approach, locking in on the story, the character, and the themes I wanted to actually write about. This book would be completely different at another company, so finding a partner like BOOM! has been a revelation.

BD: Are there any other projects that you would like to highlight for our readers?

RP: Right now, I’m writing my own original superhero series at Image Comics called Rogue Sun which is part of the Tokusatsu-inspired “Massive-verse.” I also just finished The Infernals which is a horror spin on Succession and the Antichrist, but you know… in a fun way. Other than that, I have a few projects in the works that should be announced soon, so if you like my work… stayed tuned.

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about Vicarious

RP: The simplest way is to check out the first issue in stores on October 16th! I’ve seen the book described as Saltburn meets Eat the Rich, and I think that’s a pretty good comp regarding the tone and the twists and turns the story takes. It’s a sexier book than I ever expected to write, so I’m stretching muscles I didn’t know I always wanted to use. It’s a rich and decadent world, so I help readers choose to come along for the ride.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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