The following is an interview with Sarah Byam regarding the recent launch of the Kickstarter campaign for the hardcover edition of Billi 99 in collaboration with Clover Press. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Byam about her experience in bringing legendary creator Tim Sale’s work to life over 30 years after its initial publication, the incredible back rewards available to supporters of the campaign, and more!
Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the recent Kickstarter campaign launch for the Billi 99 hardcover! What can you share with us about your experience in bringing Tim Sale’s series to life over 30 years after its original publication?
Sarah Byam: It feels like visiting old friends. Billi 99 was originally a stack of short stories, some based in reality, woven together in a heroic graphic novel about a community. These are people I grew up with and people I knew. Things I’d seen, heard about, read about, and researched. Tim was generous enough to bring those stories into a vision with a young hero. Tim made it look easy but it wasn’t! I loved watching Tim move a brush across a page and bring that community to life.
About 5 years ago, Tim, Patty, and I started the process of making a definitive version. Because of the print technology of the time, Tim used duo-shade boards to project light and shadow. After he developed his ink-making techniques, Tim said that he wanted to redo the Billi 99 in ink wash, but due to time constraints, that was not possible. We invited José Villarrubia to color the book and that made us all happy. Tim was color blind, and yet he colored the covers of the original Billi 99 mini-series. Tim did a great job with those covers and José was able to pick up the color palette to make the coloring as subtle and exquisite as Tim wanted.
After Tim passed, Patty and I were even more motivated to see this work completed. Many publishers were interested, but it became clear that we needed crowdfunding to complete the coloring. We are incredibly lucky that Clover Press has developed a business model with Kickstarter and Superfan Productions to help incubate and promote worthwhile projects that might not otherwise see the light of day.
BD: The creative process of approaching a prior work – especially one from such an acclaimed artist like Sale – can be a daunting experience. How would you describe your approach to breathing new life into the story alongside color artist José Villarrubia, and what did you find to be most rewarding/challenging about the process?
SB: I really had to look at whether or not this story was still relevant. I did some reading about young people organizing since the Occupy Wall Street movement, organizing around school shootings, climate anxiety, registering young voters, running for office, and taking citizenship seriously. Billi 99 is no longer predictive. It is familiar. I think it resonates, and I hope it inspires.
Most rewarding was putting the team together, because as much as I believe in and yearn for community, like many artists, I often work in isolation. Working with José is a lot like working with Tim. José and I were able to share many of the same references that Tim and I worked with.
To show others the potential of this project, we pooled our resources – some time, some money, some art, some quote, and some elbow grease. Patty Jeres kept the faith for us during the whole time.

BD: Likewise, what has been your experience in collaborating with Clover Press, and what makes them the perfect home for this extended hardcover edition?
SB: The good folks at Clover Press have a collaborative relationship with Kickstarter, Superfan Productions, and their client. At this point in my life, my dexterity and energy are limited. On our side, we have needed me, Patty, my brother Jay Byam, and my husband David Ingersoll to make even gentle deadlines for our deliverables.
Add in Clover Press and you have the best chances for success I think you will get. Publicity is managed by David Hyde and Hanna Bahedry at Superfan Promotions. Hank Kanalz, Robbie Robbins, and Kurtis Findlay at Clover Press, handle the production of the books and the extras, social media, printing, shipping, distribution – and more, I am sure.
What amazes me is how efficient and organized everyone is. They remind me of Cirque de Solie performers. It is a miracle that no one drops anything, but they don’t. They just keep showing up. And if one person has an emergency, they just pull together and cover.
BD: In light of the Kickstarter campaign, are there any specific backer rewards that you would like to highlight for readers?
SB: Well, I know there is going to be an offer for a limited pairing of the color and black-and-white version of Billi 99. Some dynamic color prints from Tim and a few of his peers. Beyond that, we will have to wait and see.
BD: Are there any other upcoming projects on which you are currently working that you would like to share with our readers?
SB: Billi 99 with Tim Sale? That can not be improved upon. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime project.
I don’t have any projects I am working on right now. As for future projects, that remains an unanswered question.
BD: Lastly, what is the best way for our readers to find more information about the Kickstarter campaign for Billi 99 and your other work?
SB: That’s easy — follow this link.
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