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Fanbase Press Interviews Oscar Osorio on Launching a Zoop Crowdfunding Campaign for ‘A Never-Ending Adventure’

The following is an interview with Oscar Osorio regarding the recent launch of a Zoop crowdfunding campaign for the comic book, A Never-Ending Adventure. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Osorio about his shared creative process in bringing the story and characters to life, what he hopes that readers will take away from the story, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the launch of your crowdfunding campaign! For those who may be unfamiliar, what can you tell us about the premise of this one-shot, and what was the inspiration behind its creation?

Oscar Osorio: Thank you so much! A Never-Ending Adventure is a mix of fun, action, and adventure while discussing mental health struggles and making big decisions. It’s the quest of an aspiring comic book creator looking for an idea that will allow him to live off his passion. In his journey, he will fight monsters and travel to distant lands and his past. Will he be able to write a comic book by the last page?

As you see, this is a very personal story, and its inspiration comes from what I’ve experienced in the past, going from my corporate job to being a full-time comic book writer. I wanted to show that there are pros and cons behind every life-changing decision, and working in what you love won’t magically fix your problems. So, it’s a human book, but I also wanted to include what made me fall in love with comics in the first place, which is the fun, action, goofiness, and epicness of a good-old superhero comic book.

BD: What can you tell us about your shared creative process in working with so many talented creators to bring this project to life?

OO: A Never-Ending Adventure features four international creators: Vinicius Carreiro from Brazil, Terri Susca from Italy, Mary Landro from Canada, and Amalas Rosa from Germany.

I wanted to portray the protagonist’s undiagnosed ADHD and mental dispersion, showing how he goes from thought to thought and is easily distracted. So, when this happens, the art style changes, and he gets into a side story. It’s important to mention everything is connected, as these are different thoughts by the same person. I got to work with a super-talented squad for a reason that elevates the book, which was great!

The team is perfect for the pages they are creating because each unique style fits each of their stories. Working with a big team was so fun, and everyone was excited to be a part of the project and do the pages I proposed to them.

BD: At Fanbase Press, our #StoriesMatter initiative endeavors to highlight the impact that stories can have on audiences of various mediums. How do you feel that Mark’s story may connect with and impact readers?

OO: This story is very personal, very human. It’s about the struggle of making big decisions. In this case, it’s about moving from a corporate job to writing comics, but it goes beyond that. It’s about every life-changing decision you feel will make your life better automatically, as I want to show the pros and cons of every decision. My book will serve as an inspiring, or cautionary, tale for people wanting to make big moves but are concerned about their mental health.

I’m also looking to connect with Latinos, as we are not vocal about our mental health issues and are always encouraged to look strong and not be vulnerable. I want to encourage other Latinos to share their stories and experiences.

BD: The comic will be available for pre-order through Zoop, a direct-to-consumer crowdfunding platform for comic book creators. What encouraged you to work with Zoop, and what do you feel makes it such a valuable crowdfunding tool for creators, especially those in the comic book medium?

OO: I chose Zoop because they were making moves to help and guide creators to create their crowdfunding campaigns. When discussing with other creators and comparing Zoop to Kickstarter, the consensus was that Kickstarter was more of a DIY platform, which includes better customization. Still, Zoop guides you closer and doesn’t leave you to your known. Given that it’s my first campaign, I wanted all the help I could get, so apart from partnering with my editor, who has experience doing campaigns, I partnered with Zoop, who helped me set everything up fast.

BD: Are there any other upcoming projects on which you are currently working that you would like to share with our readers?

OO: I’ll announce my newest project on July 3rd, and I’m really excited about it. It will be an anthology with open submissions, and a fantastic artist did the cover, so stay tuned for that!

BD: Lastly, what is the best way for our readers to find more information about A Never-Ending Adventure?

OO: You can find me on Twitter (@Oscarom29) or my Substack page, I’m active and sharing information and behind-the-scenes stuff about my work. I’m open to questions and look forward to helping aspiring writers find their voice and solve their doubts. I had a lot of help from the comics community and want to give back as much as possible.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief




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