The following is an interview with Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt regarding their recent return to the critically acclaimed series, The Sixth Gun, for a brand-new Deluxe Omnibus Library edition via Kickstarter. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Bunn and Hurtt about their experience in returning to the series as it approaches the 15th anniversary, their decision to utilize Kickstarter for the special edition, and more!
Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: In light of the series’ upcoming 15th anniversary, what is your experience in revisiting the world and characters as you craft all-new stories and adventures?
Cullen Bunn: For me, working on new stories in The Sixth Gun universe feels like coming home. The world we created for this comic has always called to me, trying to lure me back, to tell more stories. Brian and I talk about it all the time. But we didn’t want to return to The Sixth Gun unless we did something really exciting with it. We didn’t want to do a prequel story or a side-story. We wanted to do something epic, something that enhanced the original series. We finally figured that out, and working on this new epic makes me feel just like writing The Sixth Gun made me feel way back when.
Brian Hurtt: I keep using the word “invigorating.” I’ve been filled with more creative energy and excitement than I’ve felt in ages–going back to when we first started developing The Sixth Gun! Cullen and I have always talked pretty regularly and we often discuss the world of The Sixth Gun, but in recent weeks, we’ve been on the phone almost daily and often multiple times a day just working through different thoughts and ideas on the series. I feel like a kid dreaming up fanfic for their favorite comic! I still can’t believe we get to do it all!
BD: Do you find that you have each developed a creative “shorthand” in working with one another throughout the production of the series, and how does that enhance or impact your development?
CB: You know, there is no shorthand for the comics Brian and I do together. I think there could be. We know each other pretty well. We know what we’re capable of doing. But the comic is better when we both “do the work” just like we did all those years ago when we were creating our first comics together. And, to be honest, the production of the book is just more fun this way.
BH: I would never want Cullen to write a script for me that relied on any shorthand due to our familiarity with each other, the work, and the process. And he could–I know his writing better than anyone and he could get away with writing a script that was much breezier on the details and I would still know what he was going for in any given scene. But, getting that full script and reading it for the first time is part of a magical process. I want to be pulled in and immersed in the world, and that’s what Cullen’s scripts do. They paint a picture in my mind that I then do everything I can to execute on the page.

BD: Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter have allowed creators and fans alike to bring incredible projects to life when they may not otherwise have had the opportunity. What encouraged you to utilize Kickstarter for this upcoming project, and are there any particular rewards that you would like to highlight for readers?
CB: I love Kickstarter. Some might say I back way too many projects on the platform. So, when Oni’s president and publisher Hunter Gorinson suggested crowdfunding the release of these deluxe omnibus editions, I was very excited. Doing the hardcover versions of the books in this way gives us the chance to offer some items that readers might not get the opportunity to snag otherwise. There are numerous different reward levels worth reviewing, but I’d most like to highlight the stretch goals. Once we reach certain levels, we’re adding in all-new comic book material that Brian and I are producing. These comics will serve as an appetizer, a bridge, to the new comic we’ll be releasing in 2025!
BH: One of the main things I love about Kickstarter is the reach it has. A campaign like this can reach readers from all corners–there will be a significant number of people who will be discovering The Sixth Gun for the first time through this campaign! And as much as I love the enamel pins and the hip flask offered in this campaign, it’s really the new story material that I’m most excited to share with everyone!
BD: The Sixth Gun has been the longest-running creator-owned series in the history of Oni Press. As you look ahead to the combined volumes of your years of hard work and dedication, what is your experience as creators in seeing the vast world that you have created and the undeniable impact that it has had on readers?
CB: I’m very proud of The Sixth Gun. When a new reader asks me which of my books they should start with in order to familiarize themselves with my work, I always suggest The Sixth Gun. It’s a series that I think represents me as a creator very well. It’s no small feat to tell a story like this exactly the way we wanted to tell it, without getting cut short, without getting derailed. And I’ve been thrilled and humbled by the reaction from readers. Years after the original series ends, this is still the book that I talk to readers about the most.
BH: I’ve always been proud of the work that Cullen and I put into The Sixth Gun. Even at the time, I was aware that what we had accomplished was pretty amazing–a creator-owned series that ran 50-plus issues (not including spin-offs) and that was conceived, executed, and concluded 100% on our terms. But what I hadn’t anticipated is how much that pride in the work and the story would carry forward and even grow. I just did a convention last week and was struck by how many people stopped by the table just to tell me how much they loved The Sixth Gun and how much it meant to them. It’s incredibly gratifying and I’m humbled by the support the readers have given us through the years. The success of this series was entirely fan-built and word-of-mouth, so I’m forever grateful to everyone who has supported us.
BD: Are there any other projects on which you are working that you are able to share with readers?
CB: I’m always working on several creator-owned projects, as well as a couple of licensed projects. I’m even working on another limited series with Mr. Hurtt right now that I think will be formally announced very soon. I can’t tell you much more than that, but there are some exciting books on the horizon!BH: I’m currently working on the final issue of the mini-series that Cullen just mentioned. After that I have two big projects on my plate. The first is a longer format series (likely twelve issues) with a well-known writer and publisher, neither of which I can divulge yet! And then, of course, there is the new The Sixth Gun project that Cullen and I are cooking up. I’m looking to stay pretty busy for the next few years with some pretty exciting stuff!
BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about the Kickstarter campaign for The Sixth Gun and your other work?
CB: You can jump onto the campaign page for The Sixth Gun here.
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