The following is an interview with Tom Peyer regarding the recent release of AHOY Comics’ latest comic book series, Dragonfly & Dragonflyman, and the upcoming collected trade paperback of Hashtag: Danger. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Peyer about the inspiration behind the new series, his creative process in working with Peter Krause, Andy Troy, and Rob Steen while returning to the world of The Wrong Earth, and more!
Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the recent release of AHOY Comics’ latest comic book series, Dragonfly & Dragonflyman! As a prequel to your series, The Wrong Earth, where will this story find our titular characters in their adventures?
Tom Peyer: Thanks! As you know, The Wrong Earth concerns the masked crime-fighters of two parallel Earths–an idealistic, code-approved, Silver Age planet and a violent, corrupt, ’80s-style one–and what happens when they get trapped on each other’s worlds. Dragonfly & Dragonflyman looks in on them before the Earth-switch. So, we get to see how they operate in their comfort zones, and, particularly in this series, how they relate to their kid sidekicks. All I can say is, you do not want to be the kid sidekick in the ’80s world.
BD: What can you share with us about your creative process in working with the new creative team of Peter Krause, Andy Troy, Rob Steen?
TP: I send these scripts out, and they come back improved in every way. All of the collaborators do stellar work. I should mention a couple more: Jamal Igle, The Wrong Earth artist and co-creator of these characters, is doing wonderful covers. And Deron Bennett is our editor, lucky for us. He’s doing a great job.
BD: As with all of AHOY Comics’ releases, Dragonfly & Dragonflyman will contain incredible extra features. What can readers anticipate by way of stories and creators from this latest release?
TP: We’ve carried a science fact column over from The Wrong Earth, written by Matt Brady and illustrated by Joe Orsak. And there are the usual prose stories, as well as some surprises. For example, Deron put together a spot-the-differences puzzle in #1. There were two differences I didn’t spot, to my deep and everlasting shame.
BD: In addition to Dragonfly & Dragonflyman, you will be releasing the collected trade paperback of Hashtag: Danger later this month, as well. For readers that like to wait for trades to dive into the story as a whole, what can they anticipate from the collected edition?
TP: It’s full of great stuff: every Hashtag: Danger story there ever was–including the ones that ran in their Captain Ginger, High Heaven, and their own title; all of the ridiculous Richard Williams covers; a look at Chris Giarrusso’s character design process; and a hilarious introduction by Gail Simone.

BD: AHOY Comics pledges to comic book readers to “expect more” from their releases, especially with the format of the comic book magazine. What do you hope that readers take away from your work?
TP: I hope they’re entertained. I hope they feel like we treated them fairly and generously. I hope they enjoy some short story or poem that they didn’t expect to encounter. I hope they feel like they and we are all part of the same comics-loving gang. And I really hope they can forget – for half an hour – the absurd, unnecessary, and rising misery of this world.
BD: Are there any other upcoming projects on which you are currently working that you would like to share with our readers?
TP: I’m writing Penultiman, a series we previewed in our Steel Cage anthology. It’s an Odd Couple comedy about a perfectly wonderful, powerful, and admired superhero who doesn’t like himself and his android assistant’s attempts to set him straight. It’s drawn by the wonderful Alan Robinson, who did Planet of the Nerds with us. I’m also writing a second series of High Heaven and Greg Scott is outdoing himself on the art. I got a two-page spread from him today that looks like something out of Kirby’s New Gods.
BD: Lastly, what is the best way for our readers to find more information about Dragonfly & Dragonflyman, Hashtag: Danger, and AHOY’s other titles?
TP: The best way is probably to follow us on Twitter at @AhoyComicMags. We’re also on Facebook as Comics Ahoy, and on Instagram at ahoy_comics. So, whichever social medium you find most comfortable, we’re there, standing behind you, a little too close, breathing loudly. And we have a website,, where every Friday we post one of our prose pieces and you can read it for free.