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Albino coverThe following is an interview with E.J. Dabel, author of Albino and Pantheons and the President and co-owner of Dabel Brothers Productions, a publishing company specializing in comics and graphic novels.  In this interview, Fanboy Comics Managing Editor Barbra Dillon talks with Dabel about his inspiration for writing in the fantasy genre and the benefits of self-publishing.

Barbra Dillon, Fanboy Comics Managing Editor: You have had great success recently with two books in the Young Adult genre: Pantheons and Albino.  What drew you to the YA genre, and do you foresee yourself staying with the audience?

E.J. Dabel: When I was a young adult, it was the time in my life that I read the most.  But, more than that, it was the time I felt books had the most impact on me as an individual.  So, writing for YA seemed to me to be the most logical choice.  I wrote the illustrated story Albino first, not only for YA, but for adults to be able to jump in and enjoy it, as well. As for Pantheons, my brother and agent Les came up with the idea of teen gods, so I give him credit for guiding me to write the series for YA.  Will I stay with the audience? Yes, I will, but I have other story ideas, not only for YA but for adults, too, so we’ll see how it all develops.

BD: Given that these stories are rooted in fantasy, what inspired you to write these two books?

EJD: Albino was inspired by the fact that J.R.R. Tolkien took fantasy, which in his time was considered only fit for kids, and wrote a grand story that not only children could enjoy, but adults, too.  Albino is a story about woodland creatures, which in my time is considered fit only for kids, and I’m writing something special both children and adults would care to read and enjoy.

The story Pantheons is written for my love of mythology.

BD: In addition to being an author, you are also the President and co-owner of Dabel Brothers Productions, a publishing company specializing in comics and graphic novels.  What inspired you to create your own company?

EJD: I have to say my love of books is what inspired me.  As for Les, it’s his appreciation for art.  This was our inspiration for creating our own company.

BD: What have been your experiences with self-publishing?

EJD: Self-publishing has been everything I had expected: HARD WORK! That’s what it comes down to.  But, I’ve always loved the challenge of pushing myself to the limit to create amazing and unique work.

BD: Are there any upcoming projects in the works that you would care to discuss with our readers? (We promise not to tell!)

EJD: You know I’d love to tell you, but I can’t.  Let’s just put it this way, E.J. Dabel is always up to good things.

BD: Being that we focus on all things “geek” at Fanboy Comics, would you care to geek out with us about your favorite comic books and graphic novels?

EJD: I knew you’d give me a question where I could “geek” out with you guys! Well, first and foremost are all of the older comics my dad and I used to read when I was a little boy: Tarzan, Tintin, Zorro, and so many others…and then there’s Superman, Batman, the X-Men, and so many others.

BD: What is the most important piece of advice that you can offer to comic book fans who aspire to write or self-publish comics?  

EJD: Perseverance is the key word.  Never give up until you achieve your goals.  You have what it takes to achieve them all.

BD: On that same note, which creators have inspired your work?

EJD: That would be J.R.R. Tolkien.

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about Pantheons, Albino, and Dabel Brothers Productions?

EJD: Give Pantheons and Albino a chance, and you might enjoy them both.

For Dabel Brothers Productions, look into some of the graphic novels.



Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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