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The following is an interview with author N.J. Gallegos regarding the upcoming release of her latest medical horror novel, The Fatal Mind. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Gallegos about her creative process in bringing this story to life on the page, how her medical background influences and guides her writing, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the upcoming release of The Fatal Mind! For those who may be unfamiliar, how would you describe the story’s premise?

N.J. Gallegos: The Fatal Mind is Frankenstein meets Black Mirror. When up-and-coming neurologist—Dr. Absinthe—invents an implantable chip that cures migraines, it’s deemed a miracle. Enter Shawn Gilbert, an NBA player who retired due to a significant head injury. After receiving the chip and helping Dr. Absinthe propel to fame, Shawn undergoes alarming changes and the side effects? Why, they could be… murder…

BD: The Fatal Mind continues your work within the medical horror genre, calling upon your experience as an ER doctor. Creatively, what attracts you most to the storytelling tools available to you within the horror genre, and how do you feel that your medical background influences or guides your writing?

NJG: They say show, not tell when it comes to writing, and my work as an ER doctor uniquely prepares me to do that. Most authors don’t know what it feels like to plunge your hand into someone’s chest cavity, but I do. I know how to describe the sensation of muscles tearing, how blood spurts in the air, because I live it. My medical background gives me an edge in showing, that’s for sure. Stephen King said in On Writing: “Write what you know. Maybe your day job is a plumber, and you want to write sci-fi; so… write about a plumber servicing a spaceship traversing the galaxy. Use your knowledge and expertise to craft an out-of-this-world story.”

In some odd way, writing medical horror (and writing in general) acts as a form of therapy, helping me work through physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma that inevitably comes with the territory.

BD: At Fanbase Press, our #StoriesMatter initiative endeavors to highlight the impact that stories can have on audiences of various mediums. How do you feel that Aldea and Gilbert’s story may connect with and impact readers?

NJG: Dr. Aldea Absinthe is a pioneer in the medical field. She’s also a woman and a lesbian, two qualities that make her “othered.” Thankfully, being LGBTQIA2S+ is more accepted today, but it’s still dangerous to be either a woman or “othered” whether it be BIPOC, for your sexuality or gender. With one strike of a politician’s pen, our rights could be stripped away. Creating Dr. Absinthe, a badass lesbian who lives her life unabashedly and pursues her goals relentlessly, might inspire a reader to go after their dreams… at least, I hope.

One moment changed Shawn Gilbert’s life dramatically. One head injury ended his NBA career and left him suffering with debilitating migraines. A one-time superstar becomes invisible, and I imagine a lot of people suffering from chronic illnesses feel that way in a society that values health… especially if it comes in the form of a miracle pill or device. People suffering from medical conditions not readily apparent to the naked eye are both blessed and cursed… sometimes struggling in silence. Shawn’s plight will connect with countless readers since illness touches us all.

BD: Are there any upcoming projects on which you are currently working that you would like to share with our readers?

NJG: I have a few works at any given time; when I feel uninspired or am procrastinating, I flit from project to project. The Broken Heart sequel of course and a novel following a family of doctors with nefarious motives. I’m also working on a project with other authors in which the same revolver passes from story to story, and I’m very excited about my protagonist: a woman with a spinal cord injury bent on vigilante justice.

BD: Lastly, what is the best way for our readers to find more information about The Fatal Mind and your other work?

NJG: I’m most active on Twitter/X as @DrSpooky_ER; join me there as I share lame memes, unhinged commentary on the ridiculousness of life, and info about upcoming works. My personal website ( has links to all my works and more! Need something to listen to on your commute to work? Check out… we tackle all things horror including author interviews, movie reviews, and general tomfoolery.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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