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Okay, readers! We have some excellent news this week. I was espousing in a recent column how DC Comics should be doing major Wonder Woman projects with top-tier talent, as Wonder Woman fever is in full swing thanks to the success of the amazing film and Gal Gadot’s spectacular performance in the titular role. I believe I also mentioned how cool a book about the history of the Amazons would be. Well, what do you know? It appears the comic gods have heard and answered!

DC has announced a new imprint within their publishing house called “DC: Black Label.” “Black Label,” of course, inferring a certain caliber of quality. The best of the best. The cream of the crop. Like an aged scotch or a fancy cheese. The idea is putting top talent with top properties for some super top stories. 
With Batman and Superman attached to the imprint, naturally, the one I’m most excited about is Wonder Woman


Frank Miller and John Romita, Jr. are set to tackle Superman: Year One. This one gives me a little pause, as Frank Miller’s writing has taken a turn for the bizarre in the past few years, and not in a Grant Morrison writing on acid kind of way. As a matter of fact, DC did a similar campaign with its “All-Star” imprint back in the day. With Frank Miller and Jim Lee as the creative team, what could go wrong?  Well, lots of things, actually. The art was pretty, but the story was bizarre with Batman deranged. But Miller has a good track record with year one-type stories. Not to mention his Daredevil: Man Without Fear with artist John Romita, Jr. was exceptional, so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. All-Star Superman, of course, lived up to the hype with what is touted as the quintessential Superman story. But then again, writer Grant Morrison and artist Frank Quitely seldom disappoint.

All-Star Wonder Woman was supposed to be written and drawn by famed Wonder Woman cover artist Adam Hughes. Sadly, the project never saw the light of day. I would give my left one to see this story resurrected. Perhaps they can work something out for Black Label: Wave Two.

Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick has been tapped to write her first book for DC with Wonder Woman: Historia. DeConnick put Captain Marvel on the map at the distinguished competition. And I’m a huge fan of her creator-owned Bitch Planet book for Image Comics. It should be noted that DC wisely put a female writer at the helm for this high-end project. This IS the year of the woman, and the sisters ARE doing for themselves after all.

Historia is to tell the history of the Amazons, and also how Queen Hippolyta won her crown and everything else up until Steve Trevor washed up on shore of Themyscira.

DeConnick is joined by super star artist Phil Jimenez. Phil is known for many great comic books over the past couple of decades, but as a huge fan, he is mostly associated with Wonder Woman. It’s great to see him return to WW (even if Diana doesn’t appear, as the premise would suggest). Phil is joined by uber-talented colorist Romulo Farjado. His beautiful palette makes him and Phil the perfect art team. The preview image knocked me off my socks. Hippolyta looking regal and fierce and adorned with peacock feathers no less.

With the Amazons being such a huge breakout hit from the movie, I think fans will rightfully flock to this book. It has the potential to be DC’s Game of Thrones. The campy side of me is hoping for lots to chew on.

With no release date yet, the series will be three issues and will come out sometime this year.  I don’t know about you, but I am very much looking forward to reading this, and you’ll be the first ones to know what I think.

Catch you next week and make sure to follow me on Instagram (@MichaelFitzTroy).

Michael Fitzgerald Troy, Fanbase Press Contributor


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