When I first found out that my awesome friend Darick Robertson would be joining up with Grant Morrison to make Image Comics’ title Happy!, I was ecstatic. Transmetropolitan remains my current favorite graphic series of all time, and Happy! is already shaping up to be just as amazing a piece of art and literature.
As you guys know, I contact a friend of mine who has made it in the indie comic book industry to sit down for one inspirational interview a month, and I am beyond Happy! to have Darick Robertson as my featured Indie and the Geek creator for October.
Hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.
Nicole Sixx: Currently, what do you find is the best part about being a comic book artist?
Darick Robertson: It’s a good time in the industry, as Hollywood has discovered comics on a whole new level, and closet geeks are coming out to let their love of comics be known. The bridge in visual storytelling is starting to come together, it seems, as we’re seeing more authentic representations of the characters that we used to only read, now make it successfully to the screen. Therefore, it validates a lot of what guys like me have been doing for the past 20 years.

NS: What was it like for you starting in the comic book industry when you did?
DR: Technology has really changed the game. I used to have to attend conventions, which were significantly smaller, in order to meet editors and develop relationships in order to get jobs. Then, it was waiting by the phone. Now, I can communicate and assemble an entire book from my studio, and it’s so superior in how we all connect and collaborate. When I was starting out, making it into the big two was the pinnacle of success. Now, there are so many new avenues that the definition of success has changed.

NS: What is one thing in your own style that you have always wanted the chance to improve upon or explore in greater detail?
DR: I still am pursuing being a better inker and writer.

NS: As an artist, what are your favorite sort of writers to make comics with?
DR: I like working with writers who offer an original voice with unique, challenging ideas and a sense of humor.

NS: What is something you’ve learned in the industry that you feel all independent artists should know?
DR: No one is going to force you to practice. No one owes you anything. Comics is one of the few industries, like sports or music, that your talent is what you do with it, and when you succeed, it’s because you put the time and effort in.
Thanks again, Darick. Great interview!
See you guys back here in November for more interviews. Have a Happy Halloween!
– N
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