Finding a show that’s suitable for both parents and kids (and enjoyable) can be quite a considerable task. Fortunately, The Great British Baking Show enters the puff pastry fold with several seasons currently available on Netflix. What’s even more important – kids will learn more than just how to make a bunch of delicious-looking bakes.
The Great British Baking Show is a show that my kids absolutely love watching. They are fascinated by what’s being baked and then picking who they think will win. The show has two judges, two hosts, and twelve bakers. There are three challenges during each episode where the two judges pick their “Star Baker,” while also determining who will no longer be competing in the baking tent.

Friendly Competition
Parents will love seeing how the competitors deal with adversity. They do not bicker with or put each other down. The bakers are genuinely happy to be there. Additionally, viewers will see nervousness, whether from dwindling time left in each challenge, food falling onto the floor, or something as simple as the oven being off when it should’ve been on. How do these bakers deal with adversity?
The Great British Baking Show highlights the best in people. During any number of mishaps, you will often see others come to the baker’s station to give a helping hand. As a parent of two young children, it’s vastly important for them to see respectful play. Each of the bakers also have individual interview times between their bakes – and what’s most amazing – they are most critical of their own work. So, not only do kids get to see encouragement during challenges, they will learn that each person is responsible for their own successes or failures.
Judging the Judges
There are judges who make the final determinations, but the bakers also have proven to be judges in the form of cheerleaders. When someone does well, you’ll see others say things like, “Well done.” When something goes awry, there is genuine concern from everyone. The bakers often know when they’ve done poorly, and there are times when a look of pain comes to even the judges, because their job is to critique the work.
Parents should feel comfortable letting their children watch this show, whether as a family or on their own. There aren’t mean-spirited motivations within this show. The judges will gush over “star” achievements, while also providing critical feedback on how the dish could’ve been improved. Kids will also see highs and lows amongst bakers’ emotions, letting them know it’s okay to be invested in what you hope to become. When the judges validate (or not) a bake from someone, there’s a sense of respect that comes from that opinion. Kids will be able to see this and realize there are those who can help you get better.
Best Baking Show
This show has a sense of humor within the walls of its tent. Parents might appreciate some of the innuendo hidden within simple statements or jokes, while kids will get a kick out of silly antics from the hosts – a.k.a. putting a literal breadbasket onto someone’s head like a crown (Season 4).
This show doesn’t have any “trash” talk. Bakers aren’t trying to sabotage others by using all of an ingredient. Judges aren’t yelling profanities at the competitors. These points help emphasize another reason why The Great British Baking Show is a wonderful thing: It’s a safe environment for kids to sit down for a little bit of TV time. The show is challenging for its contestants, it’s lighthearted within the overall theme, and kids can learn to appreciate that winning or losing does not have to determine good sportsmanship.
Also, selfishly, I admit it’s quite amusing to hear my own kids from time to time say when they’re in their playroom, “One minute, bakers. One minute.” Trust me, watch the show and you’ll understand.
What are some of the baking shows that you love to watch with your kids? Leave a comment or feel free to start a conversation over on Facebook or Twitter. If you want the Geeky Parent Guide to explore more family-friendly TV, don’t forget to give this article a Facebook like below.
Great British Baking Show of Gratitude for 2-Year Anniversary
In following with the kindness exuded from contestants, I would like to use this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to Fanbase Press and everyone who has supported the Geeky Parent Guide. The GPG celebrates its 2nd Anniversary this week and its success could not be possible without the phenomenal support from geeky parents and friends everywhere. Particularly, I would like to thank Barbra and Bryant Dillon for their ongoing support, while also standing in applause to Michele Brittany for her insights into its content.
If I could describe my appreciation to those who support the Geeky Parent Guide, it would come in the form of a Paul Hollywood handshake.
Until next time, happy parenting and happy geeking.