Welcome to the Geeky Parent Guide – a place where parents can find ways to stay connected with their kids through the wonderfully geeky world of pop culture! As a parent, it’s not always easy to know everything that’s going on that you or your kids might get excited about, so the “GPG” will look to be that resource.
This series will discuss a variety of topics, on the first and third Thursday of each month, ranging from Free Comic Book Day and kid-friendly apps to things parents should know heading into a new school year. The Geeky Parent Guide will focus its content for parents with children aging from toddlers to teens and provide some perspective on what makes geeky activities a fun way to stay involved with your kids. By knowing what’s “hip” in the world, perhaps it will make the lines of communication that much easier. If your kids know you’re that you are taking an active interest in what they like, or perhaps that you want to share with them what you’re interested in, then it might make it easier for your kids to be open and responsive to you – and the geeky goodness gets spread all around.
The GPG hopes to be not only a guide for parents looking for interesting ways to interact with their kids, but also a place where parents can comment and share their experiences – building a network of parents who hope to gain insight from others as they build a stronger bond within their own family. A great opportunity for parent-to-parent networking will be coming up with the Geeky Parent Guide’s summer series (Part 1: Shows and Films).
The first of the two-part summer series will highlight TV shows worth binge-watching (Yes, we sometimes advocate TV watching in the summer!), and films your kids might enjoy in the summer season. Not only will parents get a description of the show or movie, the GPG will take a look at the rating, what the rating means, and a bit of content to help you decide if it’s something you want your kids to watch. This post will highlight programming for multiple age groups and will also provide a wonderful way for parents to comment and share what they’re looking forward to or favorites they’ve enjoyed.
If you’re looking for a place to help you stay engaged with your kids, then look no further than the Geeky Parent Guide!
What geeky topics would you like to see covered in the future? Do you have any thoughts on which TV programs or movies might be mentioned in the next post? Comment below, head over to the Geeky Parent Guide’s Facebook and Twitter to join in on the conversation, and stay tuned for more geeky content for you and your family.
Until then, happy geeking and happy parenting.