Here at Fanbase Press, we strive to provide an outlet for up-and-coming creators to promote and showcase their incredible works. With thousands of creators utilizing crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to make those works a reality, we will highlight these talented creators and their noteworthy campaigns through #CrowfundingFridays! We hope that you will join us in giving these projects a moment of your time (and possibly your support)!
Project #1: The Bawdy Tales of Lazlo Cale
What it’s about: A rollicking, 48-page, mature readers sci-fi romp created by Andrew Maxwell and Goran Gligović. If you’re a fan of films like Ocean’s 11 or The Thomas Crowne Affair and sci-fi in the vein of The 5th Element or Sex Criminals, then you’ll love Lazlo.
The coolest backer reward: Custom commissions of the backer being drawn time traveling in mock polaroids from the artist and co-creator Goran.
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.
Project #2: The Warren Hope Vol. 2
What it’s about: The second installment of The Warren Hope dives deeper into the emotions and sanity of our main characters. With the addition of supernatural powers at play, we start to see the true danger Clara is in.
The coolest backer reward: I feel that the “Corinthian’s Army” pledge is the coolest of all the rewards. Not only do you get your name in the book, as you would with all tiers, I even hand paint a skull bandana for you so you can pretend to be a member of Corinthian’s army. With all rewards you’ll also get set some original art of the setting along with your package when it arrives.
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

Project #3: One Hit Die Season 3
What it’s about: The third season of One Hit Die, a fantasy comedy about inept gamers exploring The Devouring Dungeon.
The coolest backer reward: Limited Edition ONE HIT DIE Whoopie Cushion (First 100 $50+ Backers)
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

Project #4: Metalshark Bro!
What it’s about: A classic shark meets demon, demon transforms shark into a sharkman, shark vows vengeance on demon story. Oh yea…HEAVY METAL forever!
The coolest backer reward: We have a tier that not only draws you into the pages of Metalshark Bro! but Metalshark Bro! will brutally kill your comic alter-ego.
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

If you have a crowdfunding campaign that you would like to have included in Fanbase Press’ #CrowdfundingFridays series, please contact barbra (at) fanbasepress (dot) com for details.