Here at Fanbase Press, we strive to provide an outlet for up-and-coming creators to promote and showcase their incredible works. With thousands of creators utilizing crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to make those works a reality, we will highlight these talented creators and their noteworthy campaigns through #CrowfundingFridays! We hope that you will join us in giving these projects a moment of your time (and possibly your support)!
Project #1: The Resurrected #1
What it’s about: Our comic book series is a story about redemption, the acceptance of our mortality and about how far one Aboriginal-Australian detective would go to save his people from almost certain extinction. On a socio-political level, it is also an exploration of the plight of Australia’s Indigenous peoples.
The coolest backer reward: The variant cover by Ariela Kristantina and Bryan Valenza is absolutely stunning!
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

Project #2: Johnny Scotch – The Sound of Justice
What it’s about: Bringing the pulpy, jazz-noir soundtrack of Johnny Scotch comics to life.
The coolest backer reward: The Big Box of Johnny Scotch:
1. Signed copies of Johnny Scotch #1, 2, & 3
2. Signed copy of “Danger in Bass Clef”
3. Signed copy of the Johnny Scotch CD
4. Signed poster print of your choice from Dan Schaefer
5. Digital copy of Ella, a Johnny Scotch short story
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.
If you have a crowdfunding campaign that you would like to have included in Fanbase Press’ #CrowdfundingFridays series, please contact barbra (at) fanbasepress (dot) com for details.