Here at Fanbase Press, we strive to provide an outlet for up-and-coming creators to promote and showcase their incredible works. With thousands of creators utilizing crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to make those works a reality, we will highlight these talented creators and their noteworthy campaigns through #CrowfundingFridays! We hope that you will join us in giving these projects a moment of your time (and possibly your support).
Project #1: Gordo: The Teenage Flying Saucer #3
What it’s about: Gordo: The Teenage Flying Saucer is an all-ages sci-fi superhero comic about Gregorio “Gordo” Guerrero, a 13-year-old imbued with the amazing abilities of a flying saucer. With the help of his friends, CeeCee (a shapeshifting alien warrior) and Otto (an Artificial Intelligence of Extraterrestrial origin), Gordo dons a mask and uses his powers to serve as the protector of Stardust, his hometown, from terrestrial threats and cosmic chaos.
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.
Project #2: Dadder Jokes
What it’s about: The idea for this project sprouted in the first half of 2020 when social media wasn’t exactly the happiest place. In response, I decided to bring joy and light-heartedness to the online world. Every day, I embarked on a quest to find the funniest dad jokes. I scoured the internet, delved into obscure humor books from various decades, and shared these groan-worthy puns and one-liners with my friends. The positive feedback and chuckles I received inspired me to compile these jokes into a book, resulting in the successful release of Dad Jokes last year. Over a year later, I’ve gathered over 500 more rib-tickling jokes for Dadder Jokes. Like its predecessor, this book is filled with family-friendly content that can be shared with everyone, from 5-year-olds to work colleagues and even great-grandmothers.
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

Project #3: Beyond the Bounds of Infinity: An Anthology of Diverse Cosmic Horror
What it’s about: A long time ago there was an author who eventually became known as the “Father of Cosmic Horror and Weird Fiction.” That man was Howard Phillips Lovecraft, and his stories inspired generations of writers. Unfortunately, time and distance have revealed a darker bent to his works, one steeped in “-isms”: racism, sexism, ableism…to the point of xenophobia. For many horror writers, particularly ones of marginalized groups, this is a sticking point. How can you like and/or support something so steeped in these horrible beliefs? Recently, marginalized authors have worked hard to try and bring diversity and modern sensibilities to Lovecraft’s legacy, and Beyond the Bounds of Infinity seeks to continue that trend.
Published by Raw Dog Screaming Press, and edited by author Vaughn A. Jackson (Touched by Shadows, Up from the Deep), and HWA Maryland Chapter chair Stephanie Pearre, Beyond the Bounds of Infinity will be an anthology of cosmic horror and weird fiction populated with stories written entirely by people from marginalized groups. Of our planned 15-16 stories, at least 10 stories will be chosen by a submission based process, while the rest will be requested from specific contributors. The goal we have is to further aid in the reclamation of a genre from its hate-tinged roots by approaching it from a diverse perspective. Essentially, we want to bring forth stories that would make H.P. Lovecraft roll over in his grave.
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

If you have a crowdfunding campaign that you would like to have included in Fanbase Press’ #CrowdfundingFridays series, please contact barbra (at) fanbasepress (dot) com for details.