The Future Will Be Carpeted: An Analysis of ‘Deep Space Nine (S2E4)’
“I spent my whole life trying to qualify for the joining. I studied constantly, every day, every waking hour. I sacrificed everything, and then went
“I spent my whole life trying to qualify for the joining. I studied constantly, every day, every waking hour. I sacrificed everything, and then went
“Li Nalas was the hero of the Bajoran Resistance. He performed extraordinary acts of courage for his people and died for their freedom. That’s how
“Major, I don’t have to tell you. I’ve heard your opinion of this government. Government! They can’t even agree it is a government, so they
“What you did today, Major, was declare war on Cardassia. Thankfully, they declined the invitation.” — Minister Jaro Essa With the commencement of the second
“You live without a soul, Commander. You and your Federation exist in a universe of darkness, and you would drag us in there with you,
In 1992 Marvel Comics released its line of comics based on their properties set in the year 2099. This project featured series based on Dr.
“What you call genocide, I call a day’s work.” — Aamin Marritza DS9 is often dismissed as the red-headed stepchild of the Star Trek
“Just don’t be surprised if the uneasy alliance on this station starts to show a few cracks.” — Dr. Julian Bashir Ira Steven Behr,
Sherlock is back. Both from the grave and for our viewing pleasure. With Series 3 now on Netflix, we’ve hardly been doing anything else. Except,
“On this station, you are the thin, beige line between order and chaos.” — Lwaxana Troi to Odo Majel Barrett was the first lady of
“Too many people dream of places they’ll never go, wish for things they’ll never have, instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives.” —
“You know what the Cardassians were like. What weapons they had. We didn’t stand a chance against them!”“How’d you beat ‘em then?” –Kira and Mullibok