The following is an interview with acclaimed writer/illustrator Ricardo Delgado regarding the recent launch of the Kickstarter campaign for The Art of Dracula of Transylvania with Clover Press. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Delgado about returning to the world of Dracula for this expansive art collection, the exciting backer rewards which will be available to supporters of the campaign, and more!
Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Last year, you launched an incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign in conjunction with Clover Press for your illustrated novel, Dracula of Transylvania. In returning to the world of Dracula, what can you share with us about the focus for your new book, The Art of Dracula of Transylvania?
Ricardo Delgado: Thanks for the kind words. Well, I generated over a hundred pieces of concept art for DOT in a big effort to sell the project, and when I did and the book was published, there was just a lot of unpublished imagery left on the table, so Clover looked at the numbers and felt that the project had legs and could support an ‘Art of’ book. The novel has only about twenty pieces of concept art, and so, in hindsight, this seems like a natural afterthought with existing elements. I also generated a few new pieces for this book specifically. Hope everyone enjoys ‘em.
BD: Given that this book features so many of the creepy crawly creatures of Dracula’s world, did you feel a sense of creative freedom in artistically exploring everything that goes “bump in the night?”
RD: Yeah, this is where my skillset as a concept artist comes into play. Now, I don’t paint or draw as well as some of the gigantic talents out there in the business, but I can cook up ideas with anyone, and the first question anyone who creates conceptual art should ask is, “What can I come up with that hasn’t been seen before?” and go from there. Feel like these ideas are free-flowing and I’m proud of them, particularly the witches that should be toward the end of the book. Haven’t seen anything like them anywhere, and that’s the whole point.

BD: In addition to its stunning artwork, the book will contain incredible bonus features. What can readers anticipate to be included with this amazing hardcover collection?
RD: Just off the top of my head, I went through and annotated each image with memories, techniques, and ideas I had when I was coming up with each image. Influences, anecdotes, and thoughts that flowed through me at the time. And also, I’m such a monster nerd that I wrote up a few lists like my favorite vampire movies, Ricardo’s list of horror novels and short stories, and a few other goodies I hope everyone will enjoy. Big goal here is for everyone to get their money’s worth. This book is PACKED with fun stuff.
BD: This book is quite timely, as it is being released in conjunction with the 125th anniversary of the publication of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. What do you feel makes Dracula and his world of nightmares such a lasting staple in horror, across artistic mediums?
RD: Dracula is, of course, an iconic character not only in popular culture but also in literature, and he and his world have been portrayed in many ways, but not like this. Not with this breadth of description of a supernatural world that is elaborate and fun while hoping to terrify you, dear reader, lol. Certainly, I owe a tip of the horror cap to Stoker and his genius, and I only hope to take any young reader and make them read my silly yarn then open the world up to writers like Stoker, Poe, Washington Irving, and M.R. James. Named my Renfield after Monty James BTW, famous Victorian Ghost storyteller. Proud of that.
BD: In light of the Kickstarter campaign, are there any particular backer rewards that you would like to highlight for our readers?
RD: Yeah, there’s some goodies coming up that I can’t talk about yet, but Clover Press is offering everything from bookmarks to pins to a really nifty/creepy t-shirt that will make you look like the coolest kid at school or the next comic book convention near you!
BD: Lastly, are there any other projects on which you are working that you would like to share with readers?
RD: Working on the next few Concept Art Novels, as I like to call them. More to come. Stay tuned and Happy Halloween!
Beware the moon!