The holiday season is not only about colorful decorations, exchanging presents, and spending time eating delicious food; it’s also about watching incredible stories come to life on the small screen. Finding time to immerse yourself into wonderful fairy tales also allows positive messages to be shared, which is an inherit reason why Stories Matter.
Fictional worlds are great for telling meaningful, relatable stories where anyone can find ties to real-world circumstances. Holiday movies can be perfect vessels for characters who are searching for ways to deal with loss, find meaning in life, or provide humor; ultimately, highlighting how togetherness can help solve problems when times feel quite lonely.
Let’s dive into a handful of movies where you and your family can enjoy some holiday cheer together!
What to Watch & Where to Find Them

Jingle Jangle (2020)
Streaming Service: Netflix
Rating: PG
Jingle Jangle became an instant classic after its 2020 release. Forest Whitaker, Madalen Mills, and an incredible cast provide a wide array of emotions as viewers follow a magical adventure based around the power of making toys and believing in one’s self.
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
Streaming Service: Netflix
Rating: TV-PG
Kurt Russell is Santa Claus. The Christmas Chronicles propels everyone along for a fun ride as a brother and sister try to help Santa on Christmas Eve. From start to finish, this is sure to be a family hit for all in search of a merry, old time. It’s so delightful, your family will automatically want to watch The Christmas Chronicles 2 immediately afterwards.

Hawkeye (2021)
Streaming Service: Disney+
Rating: TV-14
Explore the Avenger as he struggles to deal with the loss of Black Widow, while Kate Bishop discovers what it means to be a superhero. This has meaningful moments where we learn about Hawkeye’s life as a dad, while providing fun, action-packed sequences that make viewers want more episodes beyond a single season.
It may be a Marvel series, but it’s definitely full of yuletide charm. “‘Tis the season to [shoot arrows]. Fa la la la la la la la la.”
LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020)
Streaming Service: Disney+
Rating: TV-Y7
Star Wars, check. LEGO, check. This animated holiday special is a fun way to add a little galaxy far, far away to your holiday season. If you’re looking to get your kiddos (or someone else you know) into Star Wars, LEGO provides that quick and easy outlet for family fun – even if it means enjoying the Dark Lord’s presence.
The New Must-Watch for the Holiday Season!

The Hip Hop Nutcracker (2022)
Streaming Service: Disney+
Rating: TV-PG
If you or your kids love music and dancing, The Hip Hop Nutcracker looks phenomenal! This is the one new movie we definitely plan on watching during the holiday season. You’ll be energized from the trailer alone and instantly add it to your watchlist – I know I did!
Which new movies are on your watchlist this year? Are there any classics you go to year after year? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and if you like this content, make sure to share this with all of your geeky friends.
Happy holidays, and until next time, happy parenting and happy geeking.