In an age where the Marvel Cinematic Universe has shifted to include streaming shows on Disney+, Ms. Marvel is a wonderful example of an incredible story. The mini-series gives fans a six-episode season where Iman Vellani, who plays Kamala Khan, is a superstar in her role as Ms. Marvel. Let’s dive into the season and highlight its age-rating, overall themes, and how diverse storytelling can amplify the incredible experience of seeing someone else’s culture onscreen.
Spoiler Warning: The following contains information regarding events within Ms. Marvel, so please avoid going further if you’ve not yet fully watched the Disney+ show in its entirety.

Is Ms. Marvel Appropriate for Every Age Group?
Ms. Marvel is listed as TV-14 on Disney+, which means parents will have to make determinations regarding sequences that may or may not be too intense for their kids. Although my kids (ages 8 and 9) have not seen the show yet, there are a few action sequences that give me pause when considering this show for them.
In particular, fighting scenes in episode 4, “Seeing Red,” have multiple characters being stabbed to death. One other sequence from episode 5, “Time and Again,” highlights characters who are touched by an energy field, and then turned to char and bones thereafter. None of these are gory sequences, but they might be frightening for ages younger than the recommended age-rating.
Beyond those moments, I wholeheartedly want to show Ms. Marvel to my kids. Kamala is trying to make her way through school, with all of the social awkwardness that comes along with it, all while trying to lean into her love of her favorite superhero – Captain Marvel.
Kamala Khan represents kids and teens everywhere, where all they see are their parents not believing in them. She’s filled with doubt and uncertainty, and a lot of that comes with her parents being overprotective and not letting Kamala experience things on her own. Living at home with her parents while being a superhero might make the main character feel less appreciated. But, this duality between who she wants to be and who her parents want her to be are at the forefront of Ms. Marvel – and it feels 100% authentic.

Exploring Kamala Khan’s Culture Creates an Overwhelming Sense of “We Need More of This in Our Lives!”
Ms. Marvel has beautifully colorful superpowers, and when they extend or wrap around Khan herself, they shine in a way similar to how this show has been produced. Marvel fans get a diverse look into a Pakistani-American superhero who loves cosplay, imagination, and learning everything in and around her newfound powers.
Ms. Marvel, much like the main character, is full of energy. Each episode shares upbeat music, stylish clothing, and a presence around Khan’s Muslim heritage, where it truly shows how we all can have similar stories even when our backgrounds might be different. All of this is presented in the wonderful wedding ceremony for Kamala’s brother in episode 3, “Destined.”
Friends and family coming together to celebrate loved ones’ lifelong bond is the definition of happiness collected in many jubilant moments. “Destined” highlights pure joy to the fullest and represents how we all hope to be present for those closest to us in their happiest moments. There’s laughter, dancing, and a sense of exuberance that can’t be faked. Yes, Ms. Marvel is a television show, but sequences like the wedding ceremony are one of many things we see in this show where reality and fiction sometimes blend together exceptionally well.
We all hope for hopeful stories. Parents want their kids to have superheroes to look up to, whether they have powers or not, because we all hope they strive to be whoever they want to be. Learning about Kamala Khan, her family, and their history is something that carries weight, because life is not always about easy times; sometimes, it’s about enduring through tough ones.
Ms. Marvel is a show I couldn’t wait to watch the next episode. Even while traveling abroad this summer, knowing I’d miss two weeks, I made sure I had my laptop ready to watch late at night when everyone else was asleep. For many things in the superhero realm, Ms. Marvel has this normal look at life, without it being dreary like real-life, and leaning toward optimistic fun. The cast and creators of this show put together something worth rewatching (which I plan to do), but it also highlights why exploring differences amongst people is a very good thing.

Should There Be More Ms. Marvel?
Yes! There should be more Ms. Marvel. There should be more Moon Knight. There should be more characters brought to the main stage, where telling incredible stories can look and feel different. From locations around the world to different wardrobe to diverse casting, shows (and movies) should highlight the world around us.
On top of that, Ms. Marvel is an awesome show. It’s FUN. Despite some of the heavier themes, such as the Partition of India, the creators give fans an experience where helping others can and should be a timeless endeavor. Kamala Khan is put into a position where she’s unsure of herself, but she doesn’t shy away from trying to help her friends and those in her community.
Ms. Marvel has a major fan here; hopefully, they’ll have another season with this stellar cast. What do you or your kids think of the Disney+ series? What are some of your favorite moments from the season? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share with all of your geeky friends over on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, happy parenting and happy geeking.