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‘Apocalypse AI #1:’ Advance Comic Book Review

Dammit.  I already support a relatively expensive comic book habit that precludes me from doing meaningful and important things like go on trips, buy gas, and eat things other than ramen. Unfortunately for me, I’ve discovered yet another comic that I simply must have.

I’m talking about Apocalypse Al.  That’s “Al” is in short for “Allison.”  Not AI as in Artificial Intelligence.  I was confused, too.  Anyway, this is a solid comic with good art (a la Grimm Fairy Tales – there is even a nice shot of nearly undress in there for those of you who haven’t seen a real girl – but I digress).  The writer, none other than Michael Straczynski. I hate this guy.  Why?  Because he’s done everything from write for He-Man (the show) to freaking Super Man.  He’s done it all, and he’s done it well.  And, he’s awesome, and I’m not and that sucks.  I guess what I’m saying is he’s a recognized genius.  The art is done by Sid Kodian, a bit of an up and comer who has near perfect technique and the intuition/skill required to easily draw in pretty much any reader.  Go figure.

Anyway, our dynamic duo of Michael and Sid tell the story of Al, a private detective who saves the world.  Like on a regular basis, because that’s her thing.  No biggie, right?  Well, these guys have joined the AWESOME bandwagon by bringing in the supernatural.  And, that s–t is awesome.  For example, Constantine.  Also, I Sell the Dead.  Yep, and Buffy.  Those are some examples of how awesome this is.  There are others (Mikey S refers to Young Frankenstein in his letter to the readers, for instance).  And, they’re all AWESOME.  We all love that stuff!  Add to it that Al (the main character) is hot.  Add to that that the comedy is actually chuckle-out-loud funny.  Add to that that she is bada– . . . and we have a winner.

So this comic wins.  No need to read any others.  Only drawback is maybe in like 50 issues or so it might get stale.  That’s like 4 years away . . . so I’m willing to risk it.  This is a 4-star comic that is now officially part of my collection.  Enjoy.

Simply Jack, Fanbase Press Guest Contributor



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