There’s a lot going on in this latest issue of Trista & Holt. We begin with Trista, grieving over the death of Governal, her trusted friend, mentor, right-hand man, and father figure. Everyone grieves in their own way. For Trista, it involves finding whoever did it and seeking bloody revenge.
Her aunt Marcella, on the other hand, has a different idea of how to solve things. She’s going to broker a peace between her crime family and that of the Holts—by marrying Issy. Obviously, Trista isn’t fond of this plan, but she keeps her mouth shut, and we’re treated to the fastest-planned wedding in history.
We’re nearing the end of the Trista & Holt story arc. Still, there’s plenty of time for a few more game-changing twists and turns. This being an organized crime story, people are having one another killed left and right, and the who’s and why’s tend to be alternately heartbreaking and jaw-dropping. Maybe I’d have more of a clue to what’s about to happen if I’d read the original Tristan and Iseult, but at this point, I think I’d just be disappointed that it wasn’t peppered with ’70s culture.
This issue also marks the return of Andrez Bergen’s post-comic notes, including a roundup of all the famous faces you can spot throughout, if you look carefully. The comic is compelling enough on its own, but those celebrity cameos are always a fun Easter egg.
If you haven’t been reading Trista & Holt, then you’ve got a bit of catching up to do. You really do want to start at the beginning, as the build in tension gets stronger and more palpable with every issue. Then, by the time you get to issue #12, you’ll be on the edge of your seat. Can’t wait to see what happens in #13!