Indestructible follows Greg Pincus, an ordinary man who, due to a little misunderstanding and a lot of outright lies, finds himself thrust into the world of superheroes—despite the fact that he has no actual superpowers. In the previous volume, we saw Greg enjoying the celebrity status that this misunderstanding has afforded him. Now in Volume 2, he has to put his money where his mouth is.
Together with his friend/roommate/sidekick Barry (the perpetuator of most of the aforementioned outright lies), Greg navigates magazine photo shoots, paparazzi sightings, and, of course, the piece de resistance—The People’s Choice Awards. Meanwhile, everyone wants further demonstrations of Greg’s nonexistent superpower, which means shooting at him and even trying to burn him alive. And, of course, there are also some actual people who need saving, as well.
This comic is an interesting balance of silly and serious. The whole premise is a bit ridiculous, and the further the lies and misunderstandings go, the more it turns into a comedy of errors. This is compounded by Barry who has a wisecrack for every situation and a buffoonish hunger for fame—which may start to get on your nerves before too long.
At the same time, though, the stakes are higher Greg and Barry’s lies are putting real lives on the line, and not just their own. It’s interesting to see how both of them act and react in these heightened situations, as their true characters start to come out.
Another thing I like about this comic is that it’s set in Los Angeles. Dozens of superhero stories are set in New York, with its readily identifiable backdrop and iconic landmarks. Precious few are set in L.A. As an L.A. native, it’s nice to see a few familiar street signs, familiar places, and even a mention of “Mayor Garcetti.” Maybe that’s just me.
At any rate, this is a fun and funny comic that takes a wry and satirical look at superhero culture, as well as our general obsession with fame. In addition, it’s also a good story that will keep you engaged. Definitely worth checking out.