I feel like I’m going to Hell just for reading this. It’s a pretty messed up story from the start, and it only gets more so as it goes along. Still, it makes for an interesting read.
Judas, infamous betrayer of Christ, is immortal, condemned to walk the Earth 2,000 years later to atone for his horrible deeds. He can’t bleed, he can’t feel pain, he can’t die . . . and he wants to. More than anything, he wants to end his millennia of torment and be free. Unfortunately, the only one with the power to give him that freedom is the Messiah—and the Messiah is nowhere to be found.
Of course, Judas isn’t the only one who’s been made immortal. All of the 12 apostles have, along with some others. Over the years, Judas has lost touch with most of them, only remaining friends with Matthew, who now goes by “Maddy,” and is the transvestite owner of a demon brothel. Matthew, in turn, has remained in touch with James the Lesser, who has become a hedonistic behemoth for whom no appetite is too base and no act is too reviled. It seems the apostles have gotten rather bored, waiting around for 2,000 years, and have found new ways to entertain themselves.
As the story unfolds, we’re treated to flashbacks from Judas’ long abyss of a life, from World War II to the years just after Christ’s crucifixion, to a few months ago, and the events that set our story in motion, to some unnamed time in between. Throughout it all, Judas is followed by monsters and chaos, as every good thing he manages to find is ripped from him. No matter where he goes, he cannot find peace.
This story has all sorts of crazy things in it, from well-endowed, scantily-clad demons, to magical drugs, to great, unfathomable monsters—all drawn in vivid color and bizarre detail. The story’s more than a little esoteric and isn’t always the easiest thing to follow, but it’s kind of fun. As far as blasphemy goes, this makes The Last Temptation of Christ look tame by comparison, so it’s definitely not for all tastes. I enjoyed it, though. It’s not great, it’s not terrible, but it’s a fairly fun read and certainly interesting and unique. Is reading it worth going to Hell over? No. But, as long as God has a sense of humor, I’m pretty sure you’re safe.