UFOlogy #6’s most startling moment comes in the form of a dream that sent some chills up my spine. I won’t say what it is, but it portends to something not yet dealt with – in what feels like a major way. Coming to the conclusion of this six-issue run, I get that feeling that what’s to come (or could come) overshadows what has happened. That we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s going on in writer James Tynion IV and Noah J. Yuenkel’s combined heads.
This is awesome, but at the same time what actually happens doesn’t feel as effective as it should have been. On one hand, it’s great. I’ve spent six months now getting to know the complex characters of Becky and Malcolm and the worlds they live in. I am excited that their stories may continue. On the other hand, I’m slightly disappointed that the resolution to this run didn’t quite escalate to the point I had hoped it would. I want it to simply mean that our two writers are merely holding their hands until everyone’s bets are placed.
The resolution, regardless, is enjoyable and touching. Several mysteries are answered. Character conflicts effectively resolved. The alien designs are wild, like a bizarre, drug-fueled trip, and artist Matthew Fox and colorist Adam Metcalfe bring these science fiction landscapes to life with twisting, untempered fervor.
The lettering from Colin Bell works in splendid contrast to the serious things going on around everyone.
It has been a trip, a journey like those of the ’80s when kids stood up to correct the mistakes of their parents. A smart sci-fi adventure that I recommend anyone should read.
However, this is one of those few books I can’t wait to go back and re-read, to follow the story threads, to spot the things I’ve missed that aren’t necessarily on the surface. As with the dream, I think many things are eluded to that may play better reading all at once, rather than month to month.