There’s a reason for everything Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) does as a writer. The little things other creators might just do for fun end up servicing the story and help build the world in ways you don’t see coming at first. Throughout Past Aways #1 and 2, Kindt and Scott Kolins (Avengers, Batman) use little, red boxes to draw our attention to details within images, as if a computer is zeroing in and doling out information, so we get a better understanding of the world we’re in and the future from which our time-traveling team has come. It becomes kind of this fun thing until it’s used to cleverly ratchet up the tension. And, Kindt scores!
In the current issue, we find our team of five voyagers together again after several years apart in our present, but their past. We’re introduced to the scientific underwater pad they’ll be living in as they try to figure out why other things are slipping through the time stream they opened up – maybe they can find a way to use those tears to jump back into the future.
The psychological dynamic between these five characters is well thought out and on the verge of being both incredibly sad and tense. In the best of possible ways. We get a glimpse into each of their past futures . . . or future pasts . . . or, needless to say, each has a very interesting and unique foreground that I’m sure we’ll see more of. Kindt has found a way to put a kibosh on some of the time continuity conundrums that plague other time-travel stories with a simple explanation; however, that explanation means little when something quite unknown to all of them slips through the time stream with potential devastating effect not only to them, but to our present. Were they sent here to save us, or is it here to destroy us because of them? Heroes or inadvertent bringers of doom.
Kolins’ art is stellar and beautifully epic. Bill Crabtree’s (FireBreather, TMNT) color is bright and full of life. The dark moments burst with vitality. Even in the most dire of situations, the sun is shining brightly. And, maybe that’s what gives this book its slightly satirical edge. When one of the characters says he would have killed another one of them if he could, there’s a sudden close up of the character’s eye, and I laughed at the overtly dramatic nature of it all, simply because everything else seems so whimsical!