The Baltimore series has always been about monsters, their creation, their crimes, and their nature. Up until now the only thing to differ was their appearance: whether they are human, such as the titular character; appear human, such as vampires; or are something completely otherworldly, such as the various demons. Dr. Leskovar’s Remedy spins these issues on their heads and opens up the Baltimore universe to even more possibilities.
As you might guess from the title, Dr. Leskovar creates a cure for none other than vampirsm; however, like all things that look too good to be true, it is. What’s significant is when the problem starts to get out of hand, the doctor steps in to make it right himself but only knocks things further out of control. He makes all of the wrong decisions for the right reasons. His experiments introduce new monsters and dangers to the Baltimore world and even go as far as to show once you make one mistake, it can set off a chain reaction.
If Leskovar makes all the wrong decisions for the right reasons, then Lord Henry Baltimore, whose narrow focus of revenge and habit of saving the day, has him making the right decisions for the wrong reasons. These two characters play off one another well with Baltimore sounding more like the monster in the equation than Leskovar, who is only trying to help the greater good. The butting of their two philosophies is reason enough to check out this arc.
Dr. Leskovar’s Remedy #2 is filled with a ton of action with creatures and situations never before seen in Baltimore (spoiler: in daylight!) This all-out monster and monster hunter melee is well constructed with plenty of situation changes and interspersed dialogue to keep the fight engaging for the entire issue.
Fans of earlier Baltimore issues who were concerned the series was getting a little stale should consider checking out Dr. Leskovar’s Remedy. Alternatively, this two-issue arc could make a good gateway for someone unfamiliar with Mike Mignola’s take on a gothic vampire hunter but interested in learning more.