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This coming Wednesday is a big day. No, I’m not talking about your average Hump Day, I’m talking about Back to the Future Day! In Back to the Future II, October 21st, 2015, is the day Doc Brown takes Marty into the future to try and save his kids. And, that day has finally arrived . . . in the present!

Now, anyone who knows me will tell you that I absolutely love Star Wars, particularly the original trilogy. I also love The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Iron Man trilogy, and, of course, even the ’90s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trilogy. But, if you ask me, the Back to the Future trilogy is the greatest trilogy ever made! Even if I still have no idea what a flux capacitor does and how it works, flying through both the past and future via a Delorean just makes sense!

In celebration of this day, IDW Publishing has released a new comic book, Back to the Future #1, a four-part series featuring alternate timelines of the adventures of the eccentric Dr. Emmett Brown and the always-cool-no-matter-what-time-period-he’s-in Marty McFly. This first issue includes two of those stories, “When Marty Met Emmett” and “Looking for a Few Good Scientists,” the first of which is something that I, myself, have always wondered.

Both storylines come from the imagination of Bob Gale, with script work by John Barber and Erik Burnham. My favorite of the two stories, “When Marty Met Emmett,” has artwork by the talented Brent Schoonover. In typical Back to the Future style, however, “Looking for a Few Good Scientists” is to be continued until next month, focusing on Doc Brown and his work before meeting Marty. This comic has artwork by Dan Schoening, but both stories are drawn just as beautifully. There’s even a wonderful letter written by Bob Gale himself and what this series actually means to him.

All in all, you can tell Back to the Future has an amazing team behind it, and I’m looking forward to what next month brings . . . back in time!

#ToBeContinued . . .

Joshua Desjardins, Fanbase Press Contributor


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