Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Attack on the Technodrome (Part Three) is here, and I, for one, couldn’t be more excited! I’ll never forget my time as a young tike playing with my TMNT action figures, and that classic Technodrome playset was the best toy a kid could ask for back then.
If we recall from last month’s issue, our clever heroes-in-a-half-shell seemed to have set up a trap for both baddies, Shredder and Krang. Although the Turtles convinced Shredder that they would fight alongside him, we now know their mission all along has ultimately been to destroy the Technodrome.
In Issue #43, with Shredder and Krang distracted by their own egos, we discover that the Turtles weren’t the only ones with secret plans up their shells. Betrayal is thick amongst good guys and bad guys alike, and it turns out Donatello may find himself in the most trouble . . .
As I mention every month, we really must thank Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, and Tom Waltz for writing such a unique and captivating storyline. I don’t think I’ve ever been so invested in a comic book series, and it’s all thanks to them. And, I clearly have no complaints about Cory Smith’s artwork. Every panel is drawn with exquisite detail, filled in with beautiful colors by the equally talented Ronda Pattison. The TMNT franchise truly has an amazing group of individuals fighting alongside our pizza-loving mutants. Well done, team!
So, if you haven’t started reading the ongoing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic book series, what are you waiting for? Things can only get better or more interesting from here. So, grab a copy of Issue #43 today, and I promise you won’t regret it!
Until next month,