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3 Comics You Can’t Miss! 5/2/12 Advance Comic Reviews

Daredevil 12Fanboy Comics Contributor Jason Enright brings you his top comic book picks for the week.



Daredevil #12
by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez

So, it’s big summer event time at Marvel: the Avengers are fighting the X-Men and Spider-Man is going to the ends of the Earth. Even Daredevil couldn’t avoid the pull of the event black hole, and we found ourselves in a crossover called Omega Effect. Thankfully, this month we’re back to a regular, strong Daredevil story. It’s a great jumping on point for new readers, as it recaps the important events of the first 11 issues and gives an interesting insight into Matt Murdock and two of his closest relationships. I know I may sound like a broken record, but if there’s one Marvel book you should be reading, it’s Daredevil. It is consistently the best written and best drawn book Marvel puts out.

Earth 2 #1
by James Robinson, Nicola Scott, and Trevor Scott

DC’s second wave of New 52 books starts here with Earth2. This is not your typical Justice League story, mostly because this is not your typical Justice League. I have to admit I was very wary of DC bringing the concept of parallel Earths into their new universe. Although I am still not sold on the idea, the best part of this book is that it does not address that concept. There’s no discussion in this book about this Earth vs. the regular DC Earth. This is just an alternate universe with an alternate history and a very different group of superheroes. Robinson does a good job relaying a lot of information to the reader, and – even better – he does it throughout an issue that is composed entirely of action sequences. Speaking of action, Nicola Scott does a wonderful job rendering the fights in this book. She makes the battle look chaotic while making the superheroes seem graceful and composed throughout. Give this book a try; it will definitely surprise you.

Mind the Gap #1
by Jim McCann, Rodin Esquejo, and Sonia Oback

Let me just start off by saying this book is out there. It’s a mystery and it’s a little strange, but it is awesome. Image continues to amaze me every week by putting books out on the shelf that are completely unique and mind-blowing. Jim McCann tells an incredible drama filled with intrigue and suspense with a dash of supernatural. Rodin Esquejo and Sonia Oback deliver amazing art. Whether it’s the simple character interactions or the more out there ethereal stuff, every panel is brimming with life and emotion. The craziest thing is that this book is 48 pages with no ads and is $2.99. Maybe creating such an amazing story made McCann and his team go crazy, but that is just an awesome deal.  Pick up Mind the Gap if you want to see the potential that comics can really have if we stop treating them like marketing tools for big summer blockbusters and start treating them like art.


Jason Enright, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


  Favorite Superhero: Cyclops Favorite Animal: Anklyosaurus Favorite Game: Pathfinder RPG


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