Attack on Titan is a very interesting, new anime series from creator Hajime Isayama and Funimation Studios about a group of young military cadets in a battle for survival against gigantic, ravenous humanoids called Titans. The series has taken the world by storm with its intense action and emotional storyline, but is it really all it’s cracked up to be?
Fanboys Comics Contributors Jodi Scaife and Senior Contributors Jason Enright and Kristine Chester don their three-dimensional maneuvering gear and dive into the series with this in-depth, 5-part review of Attack on Titan: Season One.
In this second segment, Jodi, Jason, and Kristine tackle Episodes 6-10 and discuss the cadet’s first mission, Eren’s closest allies, Mikasa and Armin, the role of women in the series, and Mikasa’s status as a role model and potential as feminist hero.
SPOILER WARNING for Attack on Titan, Episodes 6 through 10.
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Attack on Titan is available to stream online through Netflix, Hulu, and CrunchyRoll in the original Japanese dub with English subtitles. The first season is being released in the U.S. by Funimation in two DVD/Blu-ray sets. The first set is available now and covers the first 13 episodes. The second part has not been given a release date yet. The DVDs and Blu-rays will offer both the original Japanese dub with subtitles and a new English dub.
Stay tuned to the Fanboy Comics website for more reviews, blogs, and interviews!