Loogie the Booger Genie is a new children’s book written by N.E. Castle with illustrations throughout by Bret Herholz. This book was a delightful, funny read about a young man who discovers a troublemaking genie. It delivers a wonderful mix of hilarious humor, awesome alliteration, and precocious pranks. Look, it even has me alliterating!
I am a firm believer that we should encourage kids to read any book they like, as long as they are reading. This book is a great choice for any young kids who might be reluctant to start reading. Kids will flock to its funny illustrations and its tendency towards gross-out humor. Parents and teachers alike should be happy to let kids dive into this book, as its wonderful use of language will be a great way for them to learn some new words and enjoy a great story.
If you are looking for a new book to share with your kids, or if you are a teacher looking for new classroom books, Loogie the Booger Genie is a wonderful, new tale filled with awesome illustrations that will delight and entertain your young ones. You can learn more about the book and the author at www.necastlebooks.com.