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The second issue of the new Wic/Div arc is here, and so far, the arc’s title of “Rising Action” is more than living up to its name. There’s a frantic pace to this issue, and to the series as a whole, as the re-emergence of a thought-dead god makes their way back into the picture and causes a fissure between these beloved deities.

This issue gets right into it, with an interesting bit of familiarity from the previous issue showing up and taking the rest of the issue into high gear. With both sides likely being played by their respective leaders (Ananke on one side, the resurrected Laura, reborn as the goddess Persephone on the other), the gods go into full-scale war, a sight that never turns out well. Unless you’re the reader, of course, and then it’s awesome.

As I said before, there’s a ton of action in this issue, something that isn’t usually a major part of this series. Sure, there are some great battles here and there, but the game being played behind the scenes is usually more interesting than the punch and magic showing that tends to happen. That being said, the action here is very well placed, and it’s really driving the story in a way that makes it feel like things are picking up and barreling towards what will likely be a pretty catastrophic event for all involved.

The good news for fans of the series is that the team of Gillen, McKelvie, Wilson, and Cowles announced that – save for an after-arc one-shot – the team is here for the rest of the book. With the last arc taking a hit artistically with Gillen and McKelvie pulling double duty on this and the latest Phonogram, this is good news. Having the consistently fantastic team on board will do wonders to what is already a great title.

With no offense to Gillen (who is a writer who I really, really respect), McKelvie and Wilson steal the show here. McKelvie has been unleashed the last few issues, bringing some gorgeous pages in to really get the blood pumping. Wilson is also a perfect fit for McKelvie, and his colors make this series pop over and over, especially when we get the aforementioned punch and magic show. Clayton Cowles should also be applauded for his lettering work, especially with the dialogue for Woden and Dionysus which is really unique.

I’m not sure if this is anyone’s first issue of this book (It’d be pretty strange to pick up here.), but if it is, it’s a good one. For long-running fans of the series, this is a big burst of energy into a wholly remarkable title.

Russ Pirozek, Fanbase Press Contributor


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