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Prometheus: Fire and Stone is terrifying. Especially if you turn on the Prometheus Motion Picture Soundtrack and let it play in the background while you read. Really amplify the mood; you owe yourself nothing less while reading a great story in a world where the Xenomorph exists.

I could talk about this comic without mentioning the film, but I’m going to . . . talk about the film. In fact, the only reason I’m now writing reviews for Fanboy Comics, at least the first reason, is because in my first interaction ever with co-founder Bryant Dillon, I had a throw-down, drag-out Facebook argument about the merits of Prometheus. (I won. Don’t tell him that. He would disagree and still be wrong.) I’m one of the few who saw Prometheus and liked it for its ambitions, for the atmosphere it created, for what it attempted to do. Yes, it fell short, but not in a bad way. There was so much going on in this (kind of) prequel to the Alien films – too much. The film is terribly flawed, but what it attempts to do, what it lays before you is a pile of fabric that can be woven into any tapestry you want, more questions than answers, a mythology that’s more a mystery. Those were the things that excited me. The possibilities, not the plot/character problems.

Writer Paul Tobin (Plants vs. Zombies and a myriad of other things) and artist Juan Ferreyra (Batman Eternal, Abe Sapien) have stepped up and taken all that yarn and fashioned a quilt of surprising logic and horror from the convolutedness of the film. As a follow up to Prometheus, it does what many had hoped the film would do in the first place: work form the Alien mythology while creating a whole new layer of terror to be dealt with. Tobin and Ferreyra have done it. My imagination is still reeling right now. They have kicked open the door that Ridley Scott cracked for us and provided a truly unique creation story that, in their world, as an audience we’ve only seen a miniscule fraction of, especially when you consider how much space is actually out there, and how much of that the Engineers have covered.

Just from a storytelling stand point, Tobin and Ferreyra don’t simply tell a story from beginning to end, but from panel to panel, truly taking advantage of building suspense and wonder. Seriously, if you take the awe of watching James Cameron’s 3D Avatar for the first time and mix it with Scott’s Alien, you have a pretty good idea of where you never ever would want to actually end up – in this comic. It’s better to be reading it.

I will add the overall design of the book really helps to create the experience. From the credits to the interstitial art by David Palumbo, a lot of thought was put into this series. It deserved it.

This four-part comic collection connects with a greater Fire and Stone story that Dark Horse Comics presented, so where this leaves off, one of the others must conclude. It’s definitely worth grabbing Prometheus, but you may want to check out Predator, Aliens, and Aliens vs. Predator, as well. I’m going to have to now.



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