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I had the pleasure of reviewing the first issue of this four-part mini-series by Roger Langridge (Fred the Clown, The Muppet Show Comics, Popeye), and when the second one came up, I jumped at the opportunity. Abigail and the Snowman #2 picks up the story of Abigail, her single-parent father, and her new best friend, Yeti, that only kids and Government Agents with special sunglasses can see. Otherwise, no adults can see this giant, friendly beast. This is the ultimate invisible best friend. And, it is charming.

One of the things in fashion with kid’s fiction, be it in any medium, is the tendency to go lowbrow with poop and fart jokes. Now, I’m all for a good fart joke, but, in said instances, the jokes used are typically really lazy. I’m proud to report that none of this laziness appears in Abigail and the Snowman. There is no irony here. There is no cynicism. There is no pointed, on the nose, after school special message. The story doesn’t hide behind anything. It’s very open and honest about the fact that it’s for kids.

In this issue, Abigail is put to the task of making her first friend at school, so she brings Claude (the Yeti) to school with her, where all the other students can see him. They don’t spend their time getting into trouble or creating mischief. There are no bullies. These are kids who are being allowed to act like decent human beings.

The one really fun thing about Abigail is that she isn’t a pushover. When Claude accidentally spills her comic books, when Claude interrupts her when she talks to her dead mother (Again, it’s right out in the open, no hiding here.), she scolds him like a parent would to their child. She’s a little bossy. Abigail is a living, breathing creation. Claude also comes with personality and charisma to spare. He’s the exact opposite of how one would imagine a giant snow creature.

Even in its little details, like Abigail not quite understanding the financial situation her father is in and her father wanting to please her anyway, it’s dead-on delightful.

I can’t recommend this book enough for anyone wanting to track down a good, family read. Langridge knows how to write and draw for his audience. Stresing keeps the colors warm and grounded, making it feel like some of the great comic strips of the past, like Calvin and Hobbes and Peanuts. The great thing is that it ends with a really intriguing cliffhanger! I can’t wait for the third issue.



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