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Beautiful. Just beautiful! No. I’m not talking about the destruction of the Death Star. I’m not even talking about the famous Princess Leia herself, although the same could certainly be said about her. No. Clearly, I’m talking about the comic book I just read, Star Wars: Rebel Heist.

This comic book started like nothing I had ever read before. I felt like I was reading an old-fashioned detective story. Our main character told the story as it happened. In short sentences. Very descriptive. Classic.

Then, we meet . . . him! Our hero. Solo. You already know his first name. It’s as if he had been sent to rescue us from our own reality. Before we know it, we’re right there in the comic book with him! Firing our blasters. Running from danger. Escaping Stormtroopers! Or are we?!

Rebel Heist had everything I would ever want to read in a Star Wars comic book. Action and adventure. Suspense and drama. Han-freaking-Solo! Matt Kindt is–BY FAR–one of my new favorite authors. His writing style had me hooked from the moment I started reading. Matt even drew the back cover art for this comic, so kudos to him for having such an array of talents.

Speaking of which, the pencils, inks, and colors by Marco Castiello, Dan Parsons, and Gabe Eltaeb, respectively, were also quite mesmerizing. When we first meet Han, there’s a full-page picture of him that I could look at all day long. Our drawing team’s use of shadows and shading capture Solo quite perfectly. Like I said: Just beautiful!

So, I don’t need to tell you twice to run to pick up a copy of Star Wars: Rebel Heist. Don’t just buy a copy. Buy it in digital format. Buy it in mint condition. Hell. Buy an extra sealed copy that you never take out of its package, because I have the feeling this is one of those comic books that Star Wars fans will be talking about until we actually discover those galaxies far, far away . . .
Until next time, may the force be with you!



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