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I am so happy to report that I just finished reading one of the coolest comic books ever! I admit that, at first, I thought the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time storyline would be lame, but it was anything but. In this, the 3rd issue of the Turtles in Time installment, writer Erik Burnham has our 4 heroes fighting alongside pirates. How cool is that!?

Burnham’s story, however, was about much more than just pirates and their code of honor. One of the turtles (who eventually becomes captain of our story’s pirate ship in this issue) not only teaches his crew about sticking up for oneself, but he also teaches the captain about not giving into fear and holding onto the past. These are life lessons we ALL should learn, so to hear them coming from a comic book means that these turtles have heart. You don’t find heart in many stories these days . . .

I must also commend Ben Bates for his stunning artwork.  His use of what appeared to be watercolors really caught my eye. I also really enjoyed his version of a “comic book montage” as our heroes sailed to land. I never knew a montage could be showcased so well through graphic panels. Well done, Mr. Bates.

Furthermore, without giving anything away, I also enjoyed seeing our true master at hand. Kraken, or in this case a villain we all know too well, will surley want revenge on the turtles after he discovers what they did to his crew . . . and his ooze!

But, alas, I guess time will tell how and when “Kraken” will seek his revenge. I’m already looking forward to the next issue of Turtles in Time. Until then . . .




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