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I’m not gonna lie. When I first asked to review this comic book, I was prepared to read a new story based on Disney’s Finding Nemo, but boy am I glad I made such a mistake, because Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland was one of the most beautiful comic books I’ve ever read!

The story begins with the Princess of Slumberland in search of a new playmate. When she hears the name of a little boy referred to as Nemo, she references that it must be a coincidence, considering her last playmate had the same name. This is when I thought something felt familiar with Eric Shanower’s stunning story. 

Eric’s story continued with a man made out of candy who tries to convince Nemo to follow him to Slumberland.  During each unique attempt, however, Nemo would fall into some kind of trouble which would cause him to awake and never reach his destination.  This is when I knew I had read something similar to this story before, and as always, I was right . . .

By the time this issue ended, I was so enthralled in Little Nemo’s adventure, that I couldn’t wait to read more! So, instead, I did a little research on Shanower’s story.  It turns out that Nemo’s adventures in Slumberland were first introduced in The New York Herald way back in 1905 by a cartoonist named Winsor McCay.  Since then, there have been movies, video games, and more based on this popular little boy.  I remember seeing some of these other forms of media as a kid, so again, I was happy to mistakenly stumble upon this comic book.  Illustrator Gabriel Rodriguez also deserves a major shout out for capturing artwork just as beautiful as the original McCay comic strips. 

In regards to our story, we know that the Nemo in these new comic books will be at least the second playmate for our Princess of Slumberland.  But, perhaps the first Nemo will end up being this Nemo’s father?  Only time will tell!

If only I didn’t have to wait until October . . .



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