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Can I just say that Lumberjanes is a bright, little ray of sunshine that shows up in my pullbox? Amongst my spidey addiction and super-serious, supernatural-based goodies, it’s nice to have a such light hearted and fun comic mixed in there.

And, that’s exactly what Lumberjanes #3 from BOOM Box delivers. If you aren’t reading Lumberjanes, written Noelle Stevenson and Grace Ellis with art by Brooke Allen, I would at least pick up the first three issues and give it a shot. Continuing the delightful adventure of the Lumberjane scouts, Ripley, Mal, April, Molly, and Jo, on their quest to find out what exactly is going on in the woods surrounding their camp.

Issue #3 answers a lot of the questions that were introduced in the first and second issues, and readers will rejoice when they find out the meaning behind the cryptic message of “Beware the kitten holy.” April thinks it’s witches, Mal thinks it’s more likely a weird cult, and Ripley . . . well . . . Ripley believes it is literally a holy kitten, which, quite frankly, would be AWESOME; however, no matter who or what is behind the strange message, it is up to the Lumberjanes to each use their unique set of skills to make it through the tunnel and figure out another portion of this unfolding mystery, as well as send their den mother Jen to an early grave.

What’s so awesome about this comic is that, at its core, it’s a tale of friendship.  This is definitely a comic that can be enjoyed by all comic readers, whether you have been in the comics game for years or just getting starting. Lumberjanes is the perfect book for young readers who are looking to get into comics that plays to the humor of Adventure Time or Gravity Falls and contains a strong, linear storyline.

As I mentioned before, this book is about teamwork, loyalty, and friendship. My Little Pony might say that friendship is magic, but Lumberjanes says that friendship is supernatural . . . and possibly clad in flannel.



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