Welcome back to Morning Glory Academy, where the most elite students are invited to expand their horizons and push their academic potential! Morning Glories is a more surreal episode in the story of the academy as it follows Vanessa’s release from imprisonment on the school grounds and brief time travel to say goodbye to the young man she loves before the tragedy struck Morning Glory Academy. Teacher Lara Hodge is set up as a sympathetic character since she claims responsibility for freeing Vanessa and granting her the opportunity to say farewell to Brendan, but, like everything else at the school, it comes with a hidden price.
I found Issue #32 a little more difficult to follow than previous ones, primarily because I didn’t recognize Vanessa. Her name was not mentioned until about ten pages into the issue, and, unfortunately, she wasn’t a character I remembered meeting before, so there was no recognition. I also felt a little confused about the nature of her imprisonment and the relationship between Vanessa and Hodge since I have only read bits and pieces of the preceding storyline; however, the concept of getting a chance to give your farewells to someone who is already gone is a lovely one, and the use of Zhuang Zhou’s butterfly quote helped illustrate how the magic in the world of Morning Glories works.
The artwork for Issue #32 continues at the same level as the previous volumes, but I was impressed with how light was used to change the tone. My favorite shot is probably the panel on page nine when Vanessa is released from her cell into natural lighting for the first time in who knows how long. The way the light is shown is a good representation of how painful sudden brightness can be after an extended time in limited light.
Overall, Morning Glories #32 was less enjoyable for me than previous issues, because I had a hard time linking it to previous issues, partly because of my own patchy relationship with the series. Readers who have followed the entire run since its inception may find this new chapter a great addition, but I think I would have enjoyed it better as one part of a trade where I had more context.
3.5 Butterfly Dreams out of 5