Angel Falling is a graphic novel, written and created by Jeffrey Kaufman, about a woman named Angel who wakes up on a dumpster in an alley, half clothed and with no memory of who she is. The only thing she knows is a young autistic kid named Connor. She soon finds out, though, that she and Connor are two of the deadliest people on the planet, and that Connor also has the gift of a photographic physical memory that allows him to instantly be able to perform any task he witnesses. As Angel spends more time around Connor, the more she realizes that Connor knows where she (and he) came from, but doesn’t want them to go back, and that there are people who will stop at nothing to keep them from escaping.
Creator Jeffrey Kaufman dedicates this book to his son Jacob who is autistic. Angel Falling is a great read, filled with tension, action, suspense, humor, and heart. Kaufman mentions in his epilogue that he created Connor’s character to “give the world a special needs character that wasn’t a victim or needed to be pitied.” Connor is strong, independent, and, as mentioned earlier, has James Bond’s infamous license to kill. I loved reading Angel Falling. Once I started reading, I found it tough to put it down. Kaufman does an excellent job of peppering in important bits and pieces of the story throughout to keep you wanting to know more. We get glimpses inside Connor’s mind and a look at everything he’s struggling with on a daily basis, like living a life seeing and feeling things differently than everyone around him, and not “fitting in,” the latter of which a lot of people, including me, can relate to, and it helps the reader connect with Connor in that way.
I’ve been a fan of spy/government assassin stories forever, so Angel Falling and its take on the genre was right up my alley. In addition to the intriguing story, the combination of pencils by Kevin West, inks by Mark McKenna, Bob Wiacek, Jack Purcell, and Kevin Yates, and colors by Tom Chu and Pete Pantazis gives the reader an eyeful of awesome to look at on every page. Angel Falling is a solid graphic novel all around, and one that I recommend you pick up.
*Fanboy Comics Readers: Please note that 50% of the sales of the Angel Falling variant covers will go to Autism Awareness.