What makes the Danger Girl: Trinity series so much fun is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s total sensationalism—full of explosions and scantily clad women—and it owns that fact. The situations are often over the top and full of adrenaline, but behind the epic car chases and gun battles (sometimes happening simultaneously) is just a touch of silliness that makes it truly fun.
Of course, it helps that there’s real talent behind the comic, as well. It’s well written and well plotted, and the artwork is top notch. They do rather an interesting thing with the art, as well; the story follows three different characters, each in a different, exotic location around the globe—Egypt, the Congo, and London—and each location is drawn by a different person. It’s a cool effect and makes for an interesting variety.
The story continues on from Issue #1, which saw Danger Girl Abbey Chase rescued/kidnapped by a mysterious man who says he works for a Sultan Prince, while fellow Danger Girls and sisters Sydney and Sonya Savage are attacked in their respective locations halfway around the world from one another. Issue #2 sees Sydney tearing her way through London in a car borrowed from the man she’s sort of dating, and Sonya trying to save the life of the man she’s captured for a bounty, as they both make impressive and action-packed escapes from their attackers. Meanwhile, Abbey arrives in Egypt, where she meets the man behind her kidnapping and finds out what it is he’s after.
The story is high action all the way through, tempered with just enough comedy to make it truly engaging. It’s not a “check your brain at the door” action story, because it’s actually pretty smart. But, it is a “sit back and enjoy” action story that’s sure to put a smile on your face and, of course, to make you eager for the next issue.