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Ten Grand 1


Ten Grand 1Reading Ten Grand #1 was like putting on an old hat, but finding it just didn’t fit as well. It is still a fine hat, but it just doesn’t sit right on your head anymore.

The Good

Ten Grand is a fine example of supernatural noir. It seems to introduce every trope of the genre in a powerful and conclusive manner. Here, we have the fallen protagonist with access to magic, here we have the evil demon/wizard, who the hero/anti-hero met before the story at some point, and here we have the tragic event that scarred the hero and turned him into what he is today. Throw in the hero’s access to paramagical technology and a limited use of magic, and I think all the boxes are checked.

The visuals are gritty, unpolished, and raw. The artwork isn’t pretty, and I praise that, especially in a comic book that is about the unhappy world of the supernatural. I particularly enjoyed the dueling color pallete which flared from deep blues to violent reds and oranges, both of which were superimposed upon an otherwise dull and lifeless world.

The Bad

Ten Grand isn’t doing anything new. Really, that’s my only complaint. The book is rehashing a cornucopia of old ideas without adding anything new. The protagonist feels like a carbon copy of John Constantine from the movie Constantine, and the set up for the plot feels elementary.

I feel if you are going to tackle something as hashed over as the supernatural, you really have to try hard to break free from the past. I’d love to see a woman in this role, of maybe a story where neither the angels nor the demons are actually the good guys, but instead are simply two opposing forces slinging propaganda.

The Verdict

Ten Grand, while well made, doesn’t expand the boundaries of the comic book universe or do much new; however, I am withholding judgment. First issues can be deceiving, and so I want to see where the story goes. Moreover, if you have never read anything supernatural, this might be a great book to start off with, as I said it hits all the tropes that define the genre and is a joy to look at.

Speaking of things that are supernaturally akward, follow me on Twitter, @maxwbeaulieu, and read my blog at


Max W. Beaulieu, Fanbase Press Guest Contributor


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