I’ve been outta the comic book loop the last few months while dealing with some personal matters. I fell way behind on all of my favorite series. Too far behind. Rather than undertake the massive effort of catching myself up on all of them, I bided my time until something new popped up that piqued my interests. And, boy, did Low pique it. I’m a sucker for anything remotely sci-fi, so I was pretty sure going into it that I was going to enjoy the story that followed. I was more than right.
Rick Remender (Black Science, and a slew of other titles), in addition to some of my other favorite writers and creators, have been going back to their childhood for inspiration for their work. In the music world, Jack White “collaborated” with his younger self’s writing to come out with the amazing Lazaretto. In the Afterword of Low, Remender discusses his earliest memories of learning about the inevitability that the sun will go supernova and engulf our planet, and there’s nothing that can be done about it, and it was while reading a National Geographic article on the subject as an adult that he started revisiting those feelings, which, in turn, provided the basis for Low.
I had a blast reading the first issue. It does what every great first issue needs to do. Sucks you in. I’m fascinated by the world that Remender has created here. Set thousands of years in the future, humanity has moved under the sea into cities that shield them from the radiation in order to preserve themselves while they work to find a habitable planet to move to. That’s Stel’s belief. Her husband Johl, on the other hand, is trying to prepare their family for the worst-case scenario. On their family’s first trip outside the city, they encounter the series’ villains, the Scurvies, who have a score to settle. Low is everything you want from a good sci-fi; it has humor, heart, a great concept, and, above all, it’s captivating. Especially with the wonderful Greg Tocchini’s artwork bringing it to life. Tocchini (The Last Days of American Crime) illustrates beautiful panels and splashes that make me want to live within them and this world.
I’m excited to see what the future holds for this series. If you like sci-fi, adventure, and comics, give Low a read today!
Overall: 9/10