Things continue to be bigger (as in pain in the ass) in Texas for the members of the death metal band, Satanic Hell. Battling against a tyrannical religious authority ruling the Lone Star State in the comic series published by Alterna, Satanic Hell (The band and comic series share the same name.) released its sixth issue last month, and one thing is clear: For the rebellious and rowdy members of Satanic Hell, things will never be the same!
Satanic Hell #6 picks up with the band on the lamb from the religious authoritarians seeking to destroy the band and its image. It’s not long before the boys find themselves back in the custody of Reverend Scudder, but Scudder’sdaughter Eva manages to escape and begins building support with the youth of the community for Satanic Hell. Meanwhile, Dante, Death Priest, and Exodus are taken to a Gitmo-style secret prison where they are isolated, threatened, and worse. I don’t want to spoil anything for readers, but let me say that it certainly seems like the band members won’t be walking away for this internment unscathed.
Creator and writer Grigoris Douros had written another tension-filled issue and is clearly building to a finale that will force his characters to deal with the completely unexpected, if not downright supernatural. While there is plenty of broody darkness in Satanic Hell #6, Douros’ script also features enough enjoyable wit and humor to balance out the mix. As with previous issues of the series, Satanic Hell #6 features extra content at the end of the book (similar to the format of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons‘ Watchmen), and, in this issue, Douros made the smart decision to add even more of these brilliant “extras,” including an email from the twisted Dr. Wartech to Reverend Scudder regarding his torture of the band members, a pro-Satanic Hell op/ed from Eva Scudder, and more delicious tidbits.
The art team of Kevin Enheart (art), Newel Anderson (additional art), and Jimmy Kearst (colors) continues to be a perfect match for Douros’ religious-dystopian Texan tale. Kearst continues to be the standout for me, given how powerfully his de-saturated color scheme defines the desperate, wretched, and oppressive tone of the story.
FINAL VERDICT: After some missteps last issue, it appears that Satanic Hell is back on track, doing what it does best: delivering an over-the-top story about rock-and-roll flicking the eternal middle finger at the religious establishment. If my “spider senses” are worth anything at all, it seems like things are about to get downright demonic in the pages of Satanic Hell, so this is the perfect time for all you devil worshippers who were holding out to pick up an issue!
Be sure to read my previous reviews of the series to get an even more detailed examination of this unique comic series:
‘Satanic Hell #1’ Review: Welcome to Texas (Now Get the F#$% Out!)
‘Satanic Hell #2’ Review: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Religion!
‘Satanic Hell #3’ Review: Still Rockin’ in Texas!
‘Satanic Hell #4:’ Comic Book Review (Introducing The Saint)
‘Satanic Hell #5:’ Comic Book Review (Escape from Hospital Hell)
Find out more about Satanic Hell by visiting the official website. Satanic Hell #6 is currently available for purchase on ComiXology.
That’s all for now, comic book sniffers! Keep dancing with the devil in the pale moon light!
‘Till the end of the world,
-Bryant the Comic Book Slayer