If genial, anti-heroic serial killer Dexter Morgan was a mixed race female college freshman, he’d be something like Zoey Aarons. Indeed, in some ways, A Voice in the Dark is the young adult Dexter, in that it focuses on college-age characters and issues, but as its name implies, it can still get very dark, the sort of dark that makes your skin crawl a little in anticipation.
Zoey has just finished hosting the first night of her new campus radio show – an anonymous call-in show where people can share their darkest secrets – with disastrous results. This issue deals mostly with the fallout of that night, and, as such, is mostly a character development issue. The series is still young, but the characters are already well formed, even if Zoey’s roommates still feel a bit too much like stereotypes. Zoey herself is, if not exactly likeable, somewhat relatable. She is a murderer, after all. But, in the town of Cutter’s Circle, she isn’t the only one.
A Voice in the Dark might lose something in following on the success of Dexter because of the surface similarities, but creator Larime Taylor brings enough skill to the writing and art that the book stands on its own merits. It’s a slow burn, tense and foreboding, and refreshingly different from the sci-fi/fantasy fare that tends to pervade comics – and this isn’t a bad place to jump on. If you enjoy thrillers, dark drama, and maybe a few too many puns on the word “slaughter,” then A Voice in the Dark is definitely worth a look.
Four Suspiciously Named Therapists out of Five