Here at Fanboy Comics, we strive to provide an outlet for up-and-coming creators to promote and showcase their incredible works. With thousands of creators utilizing crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to make those works a reality, we will highlight these talented creators and their noteworthy campaigns through #CrowfundingFridays! We hope that you will join us in giving these projects a moment of your time (and possibly your support)!
Project #1: Monsters: An Anthology of Short Comics for Kids
What it’s about: Prepare to be terrified, provoked, amazed, and entertained by these 11 monstrous short comics for children about different aspects of fear by Karen Beilharz and some of Australia’s best independent comic creators. Find out more at
The coolest backer reward: Our coolest backer reward that ships worldwide is the Coloured Monster reward. Not only do you receive the book of Monsters in print and as a DRM-free PDF, you also receive a little coloring book featuring original art from the comics.
Click here to visit the Pozible campaign.
Project #2: I Can’t Stop Tooting
What it’s about: We would be lying if we said it wasn’t about a girl and boy who farted a lot. It definitely is that; however, it’s so much more. I Can’t Stop Tooting is about being weird and thinking there is something wrong with you until you find people that accept you unconditionally. Children almost unanimously feel like outsiders and that they don’t fit in. It’s so important to have stories that tell them they should embrace that strangeness which is exactly what I Can’t Stop Tooting is about at its core. We just chose to tell it in a way that kids will enjoy…and kid’s love farting. Brought to you from the folks at Wannabe Press!
The coolest backer reward: For a $30 contribution, backers will receive a hardcover version of the book plus two eBook versions!
Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.
If you have a crowdfunding campaign that you would like to have included in Fanboy Comics’ #CrowdfundingFridays series, please contact barbra (at) for details.