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At Fanboy Comics, we relish the opportunity to share unique, interesting, and promising crowdfunding campaigns with our readers in an effort to provide creators of all mediums with the chance to reach a larger audience.  While many of our previous “Kickstarter Reports” and “Indiegogo Reports” have focused on comic books and gaming, it is always a pleasure to expand outside of that reach.  In this edition of “The Indiegogo Report,” I will be focusing on I Will Love You, Always., a short film by Summera Howell that subtly blends fantasy with reality. The film explores love and loss in the 21st century and uses strong visuals to bring the audience into the emotions of the characters. It’s a deeply personal film about the choice to move on.  Hoping to bring this personal story to life, Howell launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise the necessary funds for the film, and she needs your help to make her dream a reality!

The script for I Will Love You, Always., as well as the creative team, are all in place; however, the crew is still in need of locations, equipment, and willing extras to produce the film.  A full listing of the crew and the necessary elements for filming are available on the project’s Indiegogo page.  In addition, be sure to check out the video below with the film’s creator.

Be sure to visit the I Will Love You, Always. Indiegogo page, and don’t forget to check out the backer rewards, which include a handwritten thank you note from the crew, DVD copies of the film, audition and screenwriting help, and Executive Producer credit!

The campaign closes on Thursday, January 1st, so be sure to donate soon!

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Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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