Shadow Cuts is an indie film that is part procedural, part The Sixth Sense, and part superhero story. The film tells the story of Jennifer, an unemployed woman who can see the echos of past spirits and can solve their murders; however, every time that she uses her power, she is pursued by an unknown evil. In order to make this indie film a reality, the filmmakers launched their own Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary production costs for the film, and they need your help!
Filmmakers (and husband-and-wife duo) James and Natasha Smith have joined forces to bring the film, Shadow Cuts, to life. Natasha, having previously published several eBooks, will serve as the film’s writer while James, a graphic designer, will be the director and cinematographer. Intending to film a movie with local actors and locations in their home of Victoria, Canada, the Smiths will then release the film online with the hope that it will find its audience.
To learn more about Shadow Cuts, fans can watch a preview of the film, below.
Be sure to visit the Shadow Cuts Kickstarter page, and don’t forget to check out the backer rewards, which include copies of the script, signed DVDs of the film, a private screening, and Executive Producer credit! The Kickstarter campaign will close on Tuesday, December 2nd, so be sure to donate soon!