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Bloomers alt

Bloomers altEarlier this week, I posted a review of Bloomers: Season 1, a new online sitcom that puts a humorous, heartfelt, and modern spin on life in the big city. As promised, I am making my way through Season 2 of the series and loving every moment. While Season 1 introduced the audience to seven 20-something friends, their intertwining relationships, and their daily struggles to find themselves amidst the chaos, the second season has, thus far, focused more on individual members of the group, allowing each of the actors to shine.

Episodes 1 and 2 of Bloomers: Season 2 have focused more heavily on Vaughan (Jay Ali), the British Casanova who seems to have – at one time or another – been with every young woman on the show, and Ross (Nathan Frizzell), the hard-working accountant who simply wants to prove his love for co-worker Joanna (Swati Kapila). In both cases, it was refreshing to see male leads on television who were willing to examine (and share) their sensitive sides in their search for love.  While I will remain mum on whether they were successful in their crusades, the show continues to hook viewers in new and exciting ways while still leaving them wanting more.  I look forward to watching the upcoming episodes with the hope that the character-focused format of the episodes continues; most notably, I am very intrigued by a certain female character’s newfound interest in the fairer sex and look forward to the show’s handling of the character’s search for sexual identity. 

Stay tuned, as I will continue to review each episode of Bloomers: Season 2 throughout the remainder of the week!  For more information on Bloomers, please visit the official website or find the show on Facebook and Twitter, @Bloomers_series.



Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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