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Sams Story Mae CattKickstarter exists to help independent creators voice their creative endeavors to the masses, with the hopes of garnering an interested audience that is willing to take a chance financially on the success of said projects.  Creators who have a true passion for their projects have the ability to showcase their hunger through the campaign page, which often intrigues potential backers and secures their donations.  One such creator who is obviously eager to make her vision come to life is Mae Catt, an indie filmmaker with the goal of producing the film Sam’s Story.      

Sam’s Story is the fourth installment in a series of films written and directed by Catt.  The film follows Sam, a combat surgeon from the Vietnam War, as he deals with his horrific memories from the battlefield while struggling to come to terms with who he is and what he has become.  Sam’s journey is made more challenging by the stigma of his homosexuality; however, it is his newfound desire to kill those around him, including his best friend, that truly drives him to his breaking point. 

What drew me most to this Kickstarter campaign was the professional and entertaining trailer that informs viewers about the film, its cast and story, and, most importantly, Mae Catt herself.  Catt is vibrant and delightful to watch, and her enthusiasm for the project is both evident and infectious.  With so many Kickstarter and indiegogo campaigns currently in existence, it is refreshing to find a creator who truly loves what she does and has the talent to back up her campaign promises.

Be sure to visit the Sam’s Story Kickstarter page to support an independent filmmaker, and don’t forget to check out the backer rewards, which include digital downloads and signed DVDs of the film, a trip to the set, and dinner at Disney’s exclusive Club 33!  The campaign closes on Sunday, October 7th, so be sure to donate soon!



Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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