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Tread Perilously is a podcast in which hosts Erik Amaya and author Justin Robinson watch the “worst” episodes of popular TV shows, attempting to determine if they would continue to watch the series based on the most off-key moments.

This Week: Silver Spoons‘ “A Family Affair”

Tread Perilously’s 1980s flashback months leads them, finally, to Silver Spoons with an episode called “A Family Affair.”

When Ricky meets Jeannie — who goes to the nearby all-girls school — at the local hangout, he discovers that she’s pretty rad. Soon, she becomes his prom date. Meanwhile, Edward, Kate, and Dexter Stuffins face the threat of a strike at the toy factory. But when Ricky and Jeannie get into an argument, he calls off the prom date only for Dexter to tell Edward that her father might be mobbed up. And when her father comes around to the house, Edward faces a difficult decision.

Erik and Justin almost immediately make their way into a ’90s flashback. Erik also declares Dexter Stuffins to be one of the great names in ’80s TV. It leads to a lot of praise for actor Franklyn Seales. A wild Alfonso Ribeiro appears. Justin mentions his fixation on Erin Gray. A bevy of guest stars leads to conversations of ’80s bands, underrated actors, an old Tread Perilously favorite, and the best Star Wars knock-off. The pair try to figure out why ’80s sitcoms still have soda shops. Erik ends up in a Godfather Part III rabbit hole and John Houseman gets referenced despite not being in the episode.

Be sure to subscribe to Tread Perilously on Apple Podcasts and follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@TreadPerilously)!



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